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Warsaw Operations: August 14th, 1944

'A last exodus'

Desc: With the Soviet beast now continuing it's destructive path back from the East. It has left us also within its path, and while we can retreat once back into the depths as we hid in away from the Germans once before. We have decided that useless in the face of Soviet occupation. As such, we have one option. Using a captured C-17 in the airfield to our North-East. It had landed due to fuel shortages after it's engine was damaged and the Germans quickly took the crew, but are still grounded. Provided we get the necessary fuel and eliminate some AA batteries. We have made contact with US forces, them informing us of a fly over of similar C-17s going to relieve Warsaw, if we can time it right, we can blend in with the other planes, and avoid Soviet air forces. Then going North, to neutral Sweden and stave out any Soviet imprisonment and probable execution.


  1. Eliminate AA batteries that are a threat to our flight plan.
  2. Take back fuel truck from Staszow
  3. Eliminate German airfield garrison.
  4. Fuel up plane
  5. Time take off with US fly over.


Panzer/Armored Vehicle probability?: [☑️ ]

Artillery Probability?: [☑️ ]

Luftwaffe presence?: [☑️ ]

AP/AT Mines?: [☑️ ]


If successful, this will see a end to Operations in Poland. At least for the time being...


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