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Warsaw Operations:

August 11th, 1944

Option 1:

'Polska Panther'


As it is now the Eleventh of August, some things have changed in our area of operations. Staszow, a larger town East of our FOB and MOB, more partisan activity has escalated into a total battle. After some partisans were able to capture and use a Panzerkampfwagen V, or Panther. This in their hands they were able to stir up quite the German onslaught. As this is written the fight continues, and it is up most urgency we get in there and Steal that Panther before the Germans are able to force our partisan brethren out.

To weaken the battle hardened groups of German soldiers entering the town we have came to a idea of using a German Radio station North of the town to transmit orders to the nearby Luftwaffe Jagdgeschwader Gruppe, using one of their technicians we will direct them to bomb the entire town on a couple runs. Letting them know to avoid the Panther, but to lay waste to the area despite what look like German soldiers.


  1. Infiltrate the radio station, killing the sentry silently with the special pistols provided.
  2. Interrogate one of the radiomen and use him to transmit orders to the Luftwaffe air group, making sure to keep the one technician alive with a radio, the others can die.
  3. Once the orders are transmitted you can either dispose of the radio man or use him if you can at all.
  4. Make way to Staszow wiping any Germans out around the Panther
  5. Retrieve Panther and evac to either FOB or MOB.


Panzer/Armored Vehicle probability?: [☑️ ]

Artillery Probability?: [❔]

Luftwaffe presence?: [☑️ ]

AP/AT Mines?: [❌]

☑️ = "Yes"

❌= "No"

❔ = "Unknown"

Option 2:



Sifting through German communications our Allied compatriots contacted us with information of a movement of two officers from the 2nd SS Panzer Division moving within the area away from the front and onwards towards Warsaw. We are to go to any of the listed areas we have been tipped off to their possible presence and then see to it that they are eliminated.


You men together in conjunction with our armor are to investigate and attempt to kill any of the listed German Officers we have been informed of, and due to a high noted presence of armor ever increasing with the Officers arrival we can not afford to split off and must work together, well at least that's up to you, to decide if you need to or not.


Panzer/Armored Vehicle probability?: [☑️ ]

Artillery Probability?: [❌]

Luftwaffe presence?: [❌]

AP/AT Mines?: [❌]


This is the only and last day both Options:



"Polska Panther"

Will be available, meaning you can pick only one of these now and they will not be available in the future.

The Soviet's have offered the following:

-La-7 Gun runs [🇷]

-Pe-2 Bomber strikes [🇭,🇷,🇯,🇼]

-'Katyusha' Rocket strikes [🇷,🇯,🇼]

(If we fulfill the required dog tags next to each of the offers, by handing them in.)

General SS Panzer: Hanz Lors 🇭

Rainer Ralf: 🇷

Jochen Broder: 🇯

Wieland Zorge: 🇼

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