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Warsaw Operations:

Since our recent operation, we've noticed the lengthy plains and transport as a issue, as such we have a new task along with the assassination plan to undertake.

Option 1:

Eliminate German officers within the area.


Sifting through German communications our Allied compatriots contacted us with information of a movement of two officers from the 2nd SS Panzer Division moving within the area away from the front and onwards towards Warsaw. We are to go to any of the listed areas we have been tipped off to their possible presence and then see to it that they are eliminated.


You men together in conjunction with our armor are to investigate and attempt to kill any of the listed German Officers we have been informed of, and due to a high noted presence of armor ever increasing with the Officers arrival we can not afford to split off and must work together, well at least that's up to you, to decide if you need to or not.

Option 2:

Seize a new FOB


As we have mentioned and taken note of, it is quite the trek from our MOB to lots of our assigned areas. As such we've decided it of importance to tackle this with taking a major German installation in the ruins of a fort, North West of us. It will cut travel times in half, if not more as well as taking more German eyes out of Warsaw to reinforce this area.

It has been noted this fort also houses some hand-held AT weaponry that will make up for the loss of the ammo car last operation.


The main objective is simple, total capture and annihilation of any remaining German garrison. But undertaking this task may not be so easy, the walls and several buildings, as well as artillery craters provide ample cover for the weary German wolves. As well as this there is a presence of Armor, Artillery, and Snipers.

Your suggested course of action, is finding opportunities to infiltrate the fort through the broken old walls and recon the entire fort before opening any contact, as you have done so, use any form of distractions to lead armor out or to reveal their position, from there utilizing your new equipment effectively.


Ivan has informed us he will be handing us over what he has promised from finding that wreck...

(If Option 2 is picked and is a success the fort will be made a FOB and there will be a TP pole placed in the next op to allow easy travel from one FOB to the FOB.)

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