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Warsaw Operations:

After our rising up on the 1st, we have been brought to a crossroads, due to a lack of medical supplies, any heavy equipment, or other squad weapons. We need to decide between two of the given options at our disposal to fix or at least tackle these problems some what:

Option 1:

Seize a T-26.


Informants within the area have brought our attention to a group of mechanized and armored tank group moving off the front to go reinforce Warsaw. Though this group has had the amount of men they had depleted from constant fighting, and now do not have enough to crew the T-26, and have been waiting on the new crew for the captured Soviet tank.


Obviously with our armament currently limited to just rifles and pistols, taking on a assault or beginning one on a armored group is not a option, thus we plan to divert the forces away from their position with a distraction, that being.... the fuel depot only a few Kilometers away. With a big enough detonation and smoke stack, combined with the necessity of fuel the Germans have they should have no problem rushing over to investigate the explosion and then assaulting any attackers whilst leaving their un-crewed tank.

In the moment they leave to reinforce that depot, our forces rush in on the assumed to be vacant tank. From there leaving to set home.

Option 2:

Raid the hospital for medical supplies.


Our observations of the hospital show that they appear to have more of a excess of medical supplies, this is supported from accounts of volunteer nurses within the area. The hospital appears to be guarded by a skeleton crew of SS men, but more notably is filled with a entrenched anti aircraft instillation, which can easily be turned on infantry with the turn of a crank.


Due to the many ways of assaulting this hospital, we have left the in-depth planning to the leaders in the field, (your squad leader.) because the broad idea of this is, finding a entrance/making a entrance/or going straight through the front and eliminating any guards whilst grabbing the medical supplies from the storage room of the building. Loading them into the given vehicle and getting back to home base.

But remember to do thorough recon to memorize positions of units and anti air positions, as well as plan your point of entry and exit.


We can do these in conjunction, one after another (Option 1 and 2 in either order.) or choose to do just one.

Option one is only available on August 2nd opposed to option two, which will be available until further notice. So the time to do Option 1 is that day and only that day.

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