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Operation Name: Runciman

Situation: On this historic date of September 17th, 1938, a Soviet diplomat has arrived in a conference to establish friendly relations with the Czech government. If the conference succeeds, Czechoslovakia could stand against the nearby German threat with the USSR behind their back. All nearby Czech forces have been assigned to guard this conference, including the conscripts of Camp Gryphon. A simple operation to guard the conference, nothing bad will happen at all at this historic date of September 17th, 1938, in Czechoslovakia.

Mission: Protect all three diplomats of the conference.


  1. Arrive to the Diplomat Meeting (also known as the Conference) by any means
  2. Guard the building and its inhabitants
  3. Retaliate against any possible attack avenues marked on the map as red arrows
  4. If the conference is compromised by an enemy attack, secure the area and evacuate all three diplomats
  5. Once the diplomats have evacuated the area, return to Camp Gryphon

Enemy Intelligence:

Below is the list of intelligence available on the enemy forces on the field. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well.

✔️ Infantry

✔️ Armor

❔ Artillery (Mortars, rockets, etc.)

❔ Explosives (Mines & IEDs)

Operation Result: Incomplete

The intersection was violently attacked by SFK forces, destroying everything in the way. The Czech Officer was killed in the onslaught, however, the bodies of the diplomats were not found. They likely were kidnapped during the chaos, requiring us to save them in the next operation.

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