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Operation Name: Bubák

Situation: Since our loss at the battle for the General Spy at our previous operation, command felt the need to relocate us to a barebones camp in the middle of the forest. We've been stationed there for two days for recon and further instructions. Korolenko has also been neutered of much of his own individualism and has been assigned to be with the conscripts at all times. The latest task we have been assigned is to track down and neutralize a team of corrupt police officials in the forests of Suchy vrch (Soo-kee Vir-kh). These officials often make illegal weapons deals with Sudeten German Party members. So we have decided to track them down and find them at one of the three places. However, these three places are all allegedly haunted sites. Intelligence claims making deals in least popular places as these provide a shield for illegal operations. Korolenko will be leading the conscripts to the three sites and each will be sweeped one by one.

Image of our new FOB: Camp Gryphon


  1. Sweep the Spooky Ice Cave from the North road
  2. Sweep the Haunted Ruins from the Spooky Ice Cave position
  3. Sweep the Witch House from the Haunted Ruins position
  4. Return to Camp Gryphon

Enemy Intelligence: Below is the list of intelligence available on the enemy forces on the field. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well. ✔️ Ghosts

Operation Result: Success!

We successfully foiled the corrupt officials's plans. We also eliminated the three legendary ghosts of Josef, the White Lady, and the Witch.

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