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Operation Name: Cartel

Situation: The conscripts were relocated to the Czech customs house and assigned to guard the Czech-German border. They will remain at the customs house until command says otherwise

Missions: Guard the Czech-German border.


  1. If an individual (citizen, military, Czech, German, anyone) requests passage, they must pass the turnpike.
  2. Ask the individual what they are coming for. If their documents do not line up with their reasons, restrict their passage through the border.
  3. If the individual is a civilian, they must reveal their civilian passport and entry permit. If they cannot procure both documents, restrict their passage.
  4. If the individual is a diplomat, they must reveal their diplomat passport and entry permit. If they cannot procure both documents, restrict their passage.
  5. If an individual reports to possess weapons, they must have a weapons permit and a military permit. If they can't procure both documents, detain them and confiscate their property.
  6. If the individual is military personnel, they must show their military passport and entry permit. If they cannot, restrict their passage.
  7. If the military personnel reports to possess weapons, they must show their weapons permit. If they can't procure the permit detain them and confiscate their property.
  8. If the military personnel reports to possess military vehicles, they must show their vehicle permit. If they can't procure the vehicle permit, detain them and confiscate their property.

Enemy Intelligence:

Below is the list of intelligence available on the guerilla forces on the field. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well.

✔️ Motorized Infantry (Cars)

❔ Mines & IEDs

❔ Mechanized Infantry (APCs)

❔ Armor

❌ Artillery (Mortars, rockets, etc.)

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