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Contract: Dam Nadeje

Operation Name: All Armored Up

Date: October 19th, 1938

Situation: Due to the high concentration of Machine gun nests at Dam Nadeje, the German High Command has granted us the ability to use one of the Panzer Is although it took lots of convincing from Oberst Lorenz they caved into his demands due to the tasks that SESO had to undertake. While although these Machine Gun nests would not be hard to counter using a Panzer I the Czechs have noted this spreading anti tank mines and a few Anti tank guns around the Dam. So it is advised for trying to do a “Trojan Horse” style infiltration to buy enough time to get into the machine gun nests lines.

Mission: Eliminate the Czech machine gun nests


  1. Get up the hill on the road safely
  2. Unload SESO infantry on LZ 1
  3. Sweep through the machine gun nests down the hill

Enemy Intelligence: Expect a large amount of artillery placed on the valley of Dam Nadeje. It is crucial to avoid the fortified Dam Nadeje base or face the destruction of your Panzer 1.

Operation Result: Success!

The nests have been cleared! The way has been cleared for the next operation!

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