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Operation Name: Psychopomp

Engagement Number: 9


BLUF: A truck carrying tobacco is carrying contraband. It will be passing through OBJ Boston and stop at OBJ Chicago. Capture the truck and acquire the contraband for more intel.

In the previous engagement, SESO attempted to captures the Capos of Los Mineros and Santa Luz Stars Lean Alejandro and Agustín Delgado. In the crossfire, Delgado was KIA, leaving only Alejandro alive.

Following an interrogation, we received some intel from Alejandro on the origin of the contraband. Since he was the weakest capo in the cartel, he was often left out on proceedings. His only knowledge of the traffic was it extended to Campeones, the home of the island’s Garínagu.

A Triple Amenaza teamster makes a stop in a storage yard designated as OBJ Chicago. The Garínagu trade the tobacco disguising as illegal drugs with imported weapons. To confirm the intel, we will need to infiltrate OBJ Chicago disguised as locals. We will observe the passing trucks until the tobacco truck is found. During its trip back, OBJ Boston will be setup to ambush the truck. As soon as we secure the contraband, local Garínagu forces will counter-attack from Campeones.

Bravo will enter and exit the AO by Zodiac Boats acquired in the previous engagement. Driving a large truck through the roads would attract attention from the cartel’s forces. The safest and fastest route back to base is by boat on OBJ Alamo, where the final defense will be made.

Once OPSCOM gets a hold of the contraband, we can identify them to learn further of the contraband trade on the island.

Additionally, we learned that an E.I.T.S. science book can be find within the abandoned buildings in OBJ Boston. Find it and bring it back to complete the boat garage.


  1. Capture the Tobacco Truck
  2. Acquire the E.I.T.S. Science Book


PHASE 1: Movement

1.01: Embark on Zodiac Boat MHQ, marked near a green flag

1.02: Embark additional troops on other Zodiac boats

1.03: Travel by sea to RV 1

PHASE 2: Security

2.01: Move to and secure OBJ Boston

2.02: Hold fire and avoid all contacts, including the 2x DShKM Statics

2.03: Hide when unidentified vehicles pass through Boston

2.04: Prepare an ambush for vehicles entering OBJ Boston from the North-East entrance

2.05: Find and acquire the E.I.T.S. Science Book in Boston

PHASE 3: Infiltration

3.01: Disguise two operatives as civilians

3.02: Reach and infiltrate OBJ Chicago while avoiding enemy contacts

3.03: Identify the Tobacco Truck by looking at the vehicles' inventory

3.04: Mark the Tobacco Truck with a flag for identification

3.05: Return to OBJ Boston

PHASE 4: Capture and Engagement

4.01: Ambush the flagged Tobacco Truck at OBJ Boston

4.02: Capture the Tobacco Truck, making sure it is intact

4.03: If damaged, repair the truck while fending off enemy reinforcements

PHASE 5: Fallback and Evacuation

5.01: Fallback to OBJ Alamo with the Truck, especially its contraband

5.02: Unload all contraband onto the Zodiac Boats

5.03: Defend OBJ Alamo until all contraband is loaded

5.04: Return to FOB Gold with the boats carrying the contraband


LRR Radio: AN/PRC-77

SRR Radio: AN/PRC-343

OPSCOM LRR Frequency: 30Hz

BRAVO LRR Frequency: 30Hz


BRAVO RED SRR Channel: 1



Green Smoke: BLUFOR nearby / LZ Marker

Red Smoke: OPFOR nearby / TFP marker

Purple Smoke: Mass casualties received


Time: 1983/09/10 0730

Weather: Sunny

Fog: None

Enemy TO/E

Factions: Garinagu, Triple Amenaza, Las Viagras

Small Arms: AK, AK47, AKS, AKMN, SKS, G3A3, FAL 50.00, M16A2, SA-58, UK Vz. 59, RPK, CZ 550

Explosives: Fragmentation Grenade, RPG-7, M79

Vehicles: Hilux with DShKM Technical, Hilux Truck, Ural Transport Truck, Jawa 250 Motorcycle

Artillery/Statics: DShKM

Friendly TO/E

Small Arms: FAL 50.63, F4 Minimi Para

Explosives: Fragmentation Grenade, RPG-7, Satchel Charge, Anti-Personnel Tripwire

Vehicles: Ural Transport Truck MHQ, Undercover Bus MHQ, Zodiac Boat MHQ, Zodiac Boat

Aircraft: None

Artillery/Statics: None

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