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Operation Name: Psychopomp

Engagement Number: 7

Situation: In the previous engagement, SESO retrieved most of our equipment and CSS back under OPSCOM’s command. 14 days have passed since then, letting the CSS settle into their newfound surroundings. We have begin renovation efforts to improve the bunker and make way for new constructions. While we lack all the materials needed to bring us up to full strength, OPSCOM will coordinate a series of engagements to allow us to acquire these materials.

Recently, our CSS came across an anomaly in our construction material. We purchase some lumber from a broker using a local as an intermediary. While most logs were genuine, one log revealed a cavity filled with white powder when cut open. It is cocaine. Likely a mix-up between genuine and contraband logs, this reveals to us the connection between local construction companies and drug traffickers.

It is without a doubt that the cocaine came from one of the local gangs. Isla Nueva has closed most of its international imports and all gangs are contained within the Koloban nation. We attempted to reach out to the broker and the local intermediary, but the nature of the black market prevented us from finding them again. If we were to follow through with our lead, we would need to find more contraband logs.

If we could find and track the teamsters delivering the lumber across the island, we can find the source of the cocaine trade. We have outdated intel on Santa Luz since engagements there. The destruction of the police station was noted in our intel and we sent reconnaissance up the hills to identify the site of where the station used to be. We found that the police station was still rubble yet an elaborate construction yard is present around the site. Teamsters are delivering materials to the site including lumber from main roadway in the South. Identifying and tracking the teamsters bringing lumber would allow us to find the source of the contraband and possibly the source of the cocaine procurement.

Unfortunately, reconnaissance did not get a confident view on where the teamsters drive off to when they leave Santa Luz. It will be your mission to track the teamsters to the source of the contraband and return to base with said contraband for further analysis.

Missions: Track the teamsters and find the source of the contraband logs


  1. Reach the Suspicious Construction Site in Santa Luz
  2. Find and track the teamsters' vehicles when they exit Santa Luz
  3. Identify all locations the teamsters' reach
  4. Infiltrate locations for proof of contraband

NOTE: Search for them nearby construction materials like lumber

  1. If found, follow up on any leads for the source of illegal narcotics like cocaine
  2. RTB with contraband and/or illegal narcotics


Time: 1983/08/26 0730

Weather: Clear

Fog: Light

Known enemy forces are the Santa Luz Stars, Los Viagras, and the RAC.

The Santa Luz Stars are known for their expensive, powerful weapons and vehicles at the cost of body armor. They can be identified by their brown and black uniforms.

Los Viagras are a roaming bike gang who establish toll checkpoints at multiple roads on the island. They can be identified by their dark, civilian clothing and often sighted near motorcycles.

The RAC are made up of indigenous Caribs operating in the swamps of West Isla Nueva. They are known for ambush attacks and improvised explosives near their home territory.

You start with a military covered Ural Transport and a civilian Undercover Bus. Both vehicles act as mobile spawnpoints that one can teleport to from FOB Gold. The bus will disguise any passengers as civilians.

Hotel cannot support us in this operation until we can establish our own helipad. While development has began on a helipad, there is still work left to do.

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