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Operation Name: Psychopomp

Engagement Number: 6

Situation: In the previous engagement, SESO interrupted Santa Luz Stars’ parade in an attempt to capture their leader, Agustín Delgado. Near the end of the parade, fire broke out and Delgado managed to flee the gunfight. While the mission was a failure, we did gain new supplies and fortifications near the location of the captured T-55, all inside an abandoned bunker.

FOB Gold has moved from the mine to the bunker located at the northernmost tip of Isla Nueva. While shabby, it offers impeccable defense and plenty of space to setup our equipment again. Fortunate timing too as Los Mineros were no longer tolerant of us after they learned of the fighting in Santa Luz and the state of the borrowed cars. Do not expect them to be any less hostile than the rest of the island anymore.

A crucial component of any base are the combat service support (CSS) personnel. Usually unseen by your eyes, they provide essential intel, supplies, and support for us. They communicate with HQ and ensure our FOB is in shape. If you remember, our equipment were confiscated, and we were arrested. The CSS we deployed with in this operation were arrested as well and sent to a different mine. Only now, we have learned of the positions for the equipment and CSS captured.

Marked as Objective Alpha, our CSS are likely imprisoned there and forced to work in the mine by the Kolobans. They can be identified by their clothing as they are likely still wearing their original formal wear and tie. Using any method at your discretion, it is vital that the CSS are rescued and returned to FOB Gold.

Marked as Objective Bravo is the dumping site of our lost equipment. It would likely be the area where our undercover bus was kept as well. Retrieving this equipment will arm our CSS with the basic instruments needed to support our cause.

In the middle of the island are known checkpoints owned by the Los Viagras bike gang. Just as any other faction, they know of us and are hostile to us. It is up to your discretion on how to pass the checkpoints and reach your destinations.

For all objectives, the use of stealth or disguise is optional. However, disguises would offer a safe way to pass through hostile roads in Isla Nueva. You may use them wherever you see fit.

Mission: Rescue CSS at Alpha and Retrieve Equipment from Bravo


  1. Reach OBJ Alpha
  2. Engage the Koloban guards around Alpha
  3. Rescue every CSS personnel, identified by their formal wear and tie
  4. RTB
  5. Reach OBJ Bravo
  6. Acquire any military-grade equipment
  7. Acquire the undercover bus
  8. RTB


Time: 1983/08/12 0730

Weather: Overcast

Fog: Medium

Known enemy forces are the Kolobans and Los Viagras. While the Kolobans are a powerful military force, Los Viagras are unknown to us as we have never met them before.

The Kolobans are the state's military force. Armed with Western munitions and vehicles, they are likely the most powerful opponents on the island.

Los Viagras are only known to us in rumour. They are a roaming bike gang who establish toll checkpoints at multiple roads on the island. They will be need to be crossed paths with if OBJ Alpha is to be reached by road.

Los Mineros are no longer neutral. They are hostile to our presence and know our history on the island.

You start with a military Ural Covered Transport. The vehicle acts as a mobile respawn point. However, it is not considered a civilian vehicle and will not disguise you as so.

Hotel cannot support us in this operation until we can establish our own helipad. Once the mission is complete, development can begin on air support.

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