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Operation Name: Psychopomp

Engagement Number: 5

Situation: In the previous engagement, SESO attacked the city of Santa Luz in search of greater intel on the Santa Luz Stars. In every POI, the hosts were disgruntled with the Stars’ occupation of the city. Each seemingly locked in place by the gang, SESO carried out favours to grant us free services. The hospital and GasCo station have allowed their establishments to act as free facilities for medicine or repair. The car salesman hopes to provide a service soon, after he attends to “ debt issues,” whatever issues they may be.

Strangely, the cathedral's Sacerdote was least critical of the Stars. After rescuing one of his acquaintances, he returned us the favour by providing the full plans of the upcoming Unity Parade in Santa Luz. The Stars are gathering their strongest, including T-55 tanks, to impress the populace of the city. Since our attack, the population has grown in doubt about their occupiers’ strength and this move is the counter-action.

The Sacerdote mentions the parade will feature a tank convoy where three T-55 tanks will drive through the streets and end in front of the Star himself: Agustín Delgado, Capo of the Santa Luz Stars. While it is our mission to neutralize every Capo, Delgado is a huge reserve of intel on the rest of the gangs if he can be captured rather than killed. To bring him out of hiding, the tank convoy must be in position and must safely end.

We have been keeping watch on the third T-55 stationed not far from our FOB. They have been tardy with their preparations and leave themselves vulnerable as most Stars are in the parade. Ambushing this station, and capturing the T-55 and their uniforms will grant us easy access to the parade. The ideal scenario is to enter the city disguised and exit the city with Delgado, spilling as little blood as possible.

If we prepare and crew the T-55 ourselves, we could appear as the Stars. Our T-55 could join in the rear while the rest of our forces are set in the multi-story buildings. Once the tanks are in position and Delgado is found, we could seize the advantage and surround him.

If we fail to capture Delgado or reveal ourselves too early, he may escape with his life and his intel on other gangs.

Once Delgado is captured, he may not be returned to FOB Gold as we cannot assume the Mineros’ reaction. A remote holding facility will be identified by your OPSCOM. Delgado and other prisoners forthwith may be held there instead.

Mission: Capture Agustín Delgado


  1. Find and ambush the station containing the third T-55 tank
  2. Disguise as Santa Luz Stars
  3. Identity the holding facility for Delgado
  4. Crew the T-55 tank
  5. Infiltrate the Unity Parade
  6. Infantry take higher positions overlooking the city
  7. Crew follow behind the tank convoy in the rear

NOTE: We do not know the location of Delgado's appearance until the convoy stops

  1. Proceed in disguise until Delgado is spotted
  2. Surround and capture Delgado (he will put up little resistance)
  3. Bring Delgado to the identified holding facility
  4. RTB


Time: 1983/08/06 1048

Weather: Slight Overcast

Fog: Light

Enemy forces are the Santa Luz Stars who occupy Santa Luz. Their strengths are known to us and detailed in the Faction Records. In short, they hold powerful weapons and vehicles at the cost of body armor.

Los Mineros are a neutral faction unbeknownst of our status as a PMC. While they tolerate our presence on FOB Gold, their true goals are unknown to us.

You start with two Land Rovers lent to us by Los Mineros. They ask us to keep the vehicles intact and fueled.

Hotel cannot support us in this operation until we can establish our own helipad.

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