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Operation Name: Psychopomp

Engagement Number: 4

Situation: In the previous engagement, SESO struggled to escape a prison mine with an underground gladiator arena. After merging with the jungle, the Kolobans lost our tracks and we camped in the local mines. By morning, we learned the mines were the home base to Los Mineros, former Filipino migrants who were stuck on Isla Nueva after the war. While our names are plastered all over federal crime lists, the Mineros seem to recognize us as escaped guerillas rather than the private military company.

Los Mineros are one of the gangs we are tasked with destroying. However, threatening the workers would force us to abandon our refuge in the mines. We are surrounded by enemies on all sides and these are the only ones tolerant of our presence. Their time will come and, for now, they will support our goals.

Any connection with SESO HQ was lost when OPSCOM was captured. We established FOB Gold, but it will be awhile until we can request support. A supplementary mission for all engagements will be to discover a military radar powerful enough to reach our HQ. Until then, we are effectively stranded.

The mines are in hills known as the Colinos del Oro. It used to be a site for extraction of precious metals like gold. Once it ran out, the Filipino workers’ were threatened with unemployment and revolted against their corporate overlords. Since then, they have established a humble slum. They follow a leader who is unlike the average miner. He could provide more intel on the faction. Other persons of interest not mentioned in this briefing could be found at the mines as well.

While Colinos del Oro is a scanty source of intel, the nearby Santa Luz could provide far more. A smaller yet far richer town than Marilla, Santa Luz is currently occupied by the Santa Luz Stars, fans and members of the local soccer club. We are unsure of their relationship with Los Mineros, but it is unlikely that they would be as unsuspecting in our true identity. The town harbors most of their forces and likely their leader. There are places of interest (POIs) with likely intel such as the cathedral, hospital, gas station, and car dealership. To investigate these POIs, an appropriate undercover disguise would be needed. This can be civilian clothing or uniform from one of the many Santa Luz Stars. A similarly undercover vehicle might be necessary as our previous bus was lost.

Santa Luz should be exhausted of its intel and any discovered enemy positions may be infiltrated in hopes of finding more intel. Communicate with your OPSCOM on proper reconnaissance and when satisfactory intel is found.

Mission: Collect Intel in Santa Luz


  1. Inquire for intel from Colinos del Oro POIs
  2. Find and acquire undercover disguises and vehicle
  3. Enter Santa Luz undercover
  4. Investigate the hospital
  5. Investigate the car dealership
  6. Investigate the cathedral
  7. Investigate the GasCo station
  8. If necessary, infiltrate or engage hostile POIs
  9. RTB


Time: 1983/07/29 0730

Weather: Slight Overcast

Fog: Light

Enemy forces are the Santa Luz Stars who occupy Santa Luz. Their strengths are unknown to us until necessary recon is performed.

Los Mineros are a neutral faction unbeknownst of our status as a PMC. While they tolerate our presence on FOB Gold, their true goals are unknown to us.

You start with no vehicle in the beginning. The previously given Undercover Bus has been reacquisitioned by the Kolobans and currently missing.

Hotel cannot support us in this operation until we can establish our own helipad.

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