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Operation Name: Psychopomp

Engagement Number: 3

Situation: The SESO force deployed on Isla Nueva has been captured by the Koloban military. After a martial trial judged by the Koloban commander, SESO was declared a terrorist organization. They counted every death in Marilla, combatant or not, as a civilian casualty directly caused by us. Bravo and OPSCOM were sent to a remote prison facility where our equipment and intel was stripped. The location of this facility is unknown to us as our eyes were covered during the trip.

After a few days behind bars, the Kolobans offered a chance of freedom if we participated in “glock fights,” a prisoner versus prisoner battle to the death. A barbaric practice that entertains the guards while gambling hope for prisoners. The victor is freed, and the loser is sent to the mines, or worse. The catch is the victor has to win against every opponent. Even if one manages to, the wounds sustained are often more deadly than the battles.

An opportunity might show itself during these fights. Perhaps we can win our liberation, or take it by force.

Mission: Escape Prison


  1. Participate in the Glock Fights
  2. Win the fights or escape by force
  3. Find and re-arm with the rest of your equipment
  4. Reach the nearby jungle to avoid trackers
  5. Protect OPSCOM until they are in a safe position


Time: 1983/07/28 0520

Weather: Overcast

Fog: Heavy

Enemy forces are Kolobans and competing prisoners. Kolobans use an array of powerful Western equipment. An unknown number guards the prison.

Prisoners are barely armored teenagers who were arrested for delinquency. They will utilize random side arms not limited to glock pistols. They may outnumber you or outgun you if the fights are not challenging enough.

The arena is small enough for one to eight combatants at a time. Prisoners yet to be challenged will stay on the side as spectators, unable to harm or be harmed.

You start with no vehicle in the beginning. The previously given Undercover Bus has been reacquisitioned by the Kolobans and currently missing.

Hotel cannot support us in this operation until we can establish our own helipad.

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