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Operation Name: Psychopomp

Engagement Number: 2

Situation: It has been multiple weeks since the downfall of the previous Koloba. The new Koloba has been established with the help of the United States. Their military has adopted the equipment and tactics of the USMC, yet with none of the wit. Rumours say this new state is no less corrupted than the previous. Yet, they are still tolerated.

The new Koloban government has been willing to cooperate with us on our contract. They realize their lack of peace and order. With the support of their military, they are willing to provide some intel to support our operation. The leads they provide will initiate our search through Marilla. They have permitted us to operate on the Eastern half of the island.

Once enough intel is collected, a rapport can be built on at least one faction. We will reorganize with the Kolobans for next steps.

Mission: Collect Intel in Marilla


  1. Embark onto the Koloban truck at Mani
  2. Reach St. George's Airstrip
  3. Acquire a dedicated land vehicle
  4. Inquire the Commander for leads
  5. Reach Marilla to confirm leads
  6. Once satisfactory intel is found, return to the Commander.


Time: 1983/07/25 0715

Weather: Clear

Fog: Light

Enemy forces are unknown. It can be any of the known or unknown factions on Isla Nueva.

Koloban forces are meager but they hold better equipment, supported by Western forces. While they are friendly with us, they refuse to assist in our search beyond providing intelligence.

You start with no vehicle in the beginning. When you are ready, load up into the Koloban truck to reach the Airstrip. The Commander will provide us a vehicle at the strip.

Hotel cannot support us in this operation until we can establish our own helipad.

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