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Campaign Name: Psychopomp

Operation Number: 13


BLUF: Isla Nueva is on the brink of chaos as riots fight the Koloban state. Blockades are setup near Marilla and Gran Callao to stop advance of riots. Ensure the riots reach the airstrip then neutralize the Koloban generalissimo.

In the previous operation, SESO acquired damning evidence revealing a connection between the Koloban government, Jesus Malverde, and the famous Pablo Escobar. According to the cargo ships’ bills of lading, private supplies of “medicine” and “common flora” are transported from Colombia to Isla Nueva by the tons. Escobar’s Medellin Cartel is assuredly trading with Malverde’s Isla Nuevan Cartel. Contraband logs and contraband tobacco loaded with Colombian narcotic are transported into Panama disguised as legal goods, in turn trafficking the goods throughout North America. This intel was immediately relayed to SESO HQ using our brand-new radio antennae.

After the destruction of Malverde’s drug trafficking business, the people of Isla Nueva have lost trust in the Koloban government and in the cartel. Riots have spread all across the island, barely deterred by the Koloban military. OBJ Charlie and Surf prevent the riots from advancing to the airstrip at OBJ George where Generalissimo Carlos Castaño Gil is held. SESO will disrupt these blockades and allow the riots to advance. After the Generalissimo Gil is neutralized, the riots will overtake the country.

Generalissimo Gil is planning an escape from the island using his cargo plane at St. George's Airstrip. OBJs Victor and George prevent an easy attack on the airstrip by air, with Hotel’s UH-1H Gunship. SESO will need to deploy on the beaches of the airstrip to secure OBJs Victor, George. Once secured, Generalissimo Gil can be neutralized.

SESO will escape the island using Generalissimo Gil’s cargo plane. It has the clearance and fuel to leave Isla Nueva until the chaos subsides. Once stable, SESO will return to complete the contract.

At all points, avoid engaging the rioters. Not only are they intermixed in civilian areas, they are numbered in thousands. Their unrelenting attacks will not stop until they reach OBJ George. Continuous engagement with the rioters may pin SESO indefinitely.


  1. Destroy M2 Statics at OBJs Charlie, Surf.
  2. Clear OBJ Victor.
  3. Neutralize Generalissimo Carlos Castaño Gil at OBJ George.


PHASE 1: Movement

1.01: Reach OBJs Charlie, Surf.

1.02: Avoid airspace 1.4km around OBJ George until ZU-33 AA Statics are secured.

PHASE 2: Destruction

2.01: Identify and destroy M4 statics at OBJs Charlie, Surf to clear the blockade.

2.02: Avoid contact with OBJs George, Victor until blockades are cleared.

2.03: Avoid contact with rioters. There are thousands of rioters that will never stop attacking unless you retreat.

PHASE 3: Infiltration and Resupply

3.01: Deploy infantry on the beaches of St. George's Airstrip by sling-loading zodiac boats. Suggested LZ is South of St. George's Airstrip.

3.02: Clear OBJ Victor of enemy contacts.

3.03: Reacquisition supplies at OBJ Victor.

3.04: Avoid airspace 1.4km around OBJ George until ZU-33 AA Statics are secured.

3.05: Avoid the checkpoint with M2 Statics east of OBJ Victor until mission is completed.

PHASE 4: Attack

4.01: Attack and secure OBJ George.

4.02: Find and neutralize Generalissimo Carlos Castaño Gil.

PHASE 5: Evacuation

5.01: Abandon any vehicles and equipment too heavy to fit into the Generalissimo Gil's cargo plane, including Hotel's UH-1H

5.02: Return to S.E.S.O. HQ using Generalissimo Gil's cargo plane


LRR Radio: AN/PRC-77

SRR Radio: AN/PRC-343

OPSCOM LRR Frequency: 30Hz

BRAVO LRR Frequency: 30Hz

BRAVO 6 SRR Channel: 6

BRAVO 1 SRR Channel: 1

BRAVO 2 SRR Channel: 2

WHISKEY 1 SRR Channel: 3


HOTEL 1 SRR Channel: 5

Green Smoke: BLUFOR nearby / LZ Marker

Red Smoke: OPFOR nearby / TFP marker

Purple Smoke: Mass casualties received


Time: 1983/10/10 0730

Weather: Clear

Fog: Light

Enemy TO/E

Factions: Koloba, Rioters

Small Arms: M14, M16, M60, AKS-74U, PKM, AKMN, AK-74N, Type 56-2, RPK, AK, G3A3, FAL 50.00

Explosives: Fragmentation Grenade, M47 Dragon

Groundcraft: M60 Tank, M113 APC, Land Rover w/ M2 Technical, BTR-40 w/ DShKM Technical, MTVR Transport Truck, Praga Transport Truck

Watercraft: None

Aircraft: UH-1H Gunship

Artillery/Statics: M2, ZU-33

Friendly TO/E

Small Arms: FAL 50.63, F4 Minimi Para

Explosives: Fragmentation Grenade, RPG-7, Satchel Charge, Anti-Personnel Tripwire, AN-M14 Incendiary Grenade

Ground Vehicles: Ural Transport Truck MHQ, Undercover Bus MHQ, Zodiac Boat MHQ

Aircraft: UH-1H Gunship

Artillery/Statics: M2

Miscelleanous Support: Boat Garage, Weapon Store, Radio Antennae

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