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Campaign Name: Psychopomp

Operation Number: 12


BLUF: The ships that import narcotics are stalling outside of Marillo. Collect intel on the narcotics’ origin. This will reveal the origin of the drug trade.

The destruction of the Confederados has removed the sleeves on both arms of the cartel. The gangs on Isla Nueva have been flourishing in their tightly knit drug trade, sending contraband carrying cocaine and marijuana. Our latest operation outside of Marillo has disturbed naval trade. Multiple cargo ships scheduled to port in Marillo have been stalling in its bay. According to the capo Jo Shelby, the cargo ships are the primary way of importing narcotics to the island. But why are they imported to the island if they seem to be generated here?

SESO must secure the ships to find intel on this supposed narcotics import. Any documentation or cargo containing narcotics will confirm Shelby’s claim. Perhaps we can find where the origin of the narcotics is and cut the trade off from the world.

We also have intel that one of the ships contains the important pieces of the VHF30108 radio set. We must retrieve this radio so we can reestablish long distance communication with SESO HQ.

Additionally, a weapons store has been built in FOB Gold. Operatives will be compensated a bonus per operation attended. The bonuses can be spent on purchasing non-regular weapons and equipment from the weapons store. Bonuses persist from operation to operation.


  1. Collect intel on the drugs' origins
  2. Secure the VHF30108 radio set


PHASE 1: Movement

1.01: Embark infantry onto a zodiac boat

1.02: Hotel sling load the zodiac boat to the AO

PHASE 2: Infiltration

2.01: Enter a ship from the zodiac boat

2.02: Hotel overwatch the ship from boat QRF

2.03: Clear the objective

2.04: Secure intelligence documentation

2.05: Evacuate the objective back onto the zodiac boat

2.06: Repeat on every objective

PHASE 3: Security

3.01: Find and secure the VHF30108 radio set

PHASE 4: Evacuation

4.01: RTB


LRR Radio: AN/PRC-77

SRR Radio: AN/PRC-343

OPSCOM LRR Frequency: 30Hz

BRAVO LRR Frequency: 30Hz


BRAVO RED SRR Channel: 1




HOTEL SRR Channel: 5

Green Smoke: BLUFOR nearby / LZ Marker

Red Smoke: OPFOR nearby / TFP marker

Purple Smoke: Mass casualties received


Time: 1983/09/25 0730

Weather: Slight Overcast

Fog: None

Enemy TO/E

Factions: Confederados, Triple Amenaza, Los Viagras, Koloba

Small Arms: M14, M16, M60, AKS-74U, PKM, AKMN, AK-74N, Type 56-2, RPK, AK, G3A3, FAL 50.00

Explosives: Fragmentation Grenade, M47 Dragon, AK-74N with GP-25 Grenade Launcher

Groundcraft: Land Rover with M2 Technical, M113A1 APC, M113A3 APC, MTVR Transport Truck, Praga Transport Truck, Jawa 250, Tractor

Aircraft: UH-1H Transport Helicopter, UH-1H Gunship

Artillery/Statics: M2

Friendly TO/E

Small Arms: FAL 50.63, F4 Minimi Para

Explosives: Fragmentation Grenade, RPG-7, Satchel Charge, Anti-Personnel Tripwire, AN-M14 Incendiary Grenade

Groundcraft: Ural Transport Truck MHQ, Undercover Bus MHQ, Zodiac Boat MHQ

Aircraft: UH-1H Gunship

Artillery/Statics: M2

Miscelleanous Support: Boat Garage, Weapon Store

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