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Campaign Name: Psychopomp

Operation Number: 11


BLUF: The Confederados manage the tobacco narcotics. Capture their capo Jo Shelby and ignite all of their crop fields to eliminate the final arm of the drug traffic trade.

After the previous operation, the united Santa Luz Stars and Los Mineros were demolished. The western end of Isla Nueva is under our control. By no doubt we have attracted attention of the more powerful players on Isla Nueva, particularly the Koloban military.

Under our capture, we have extracted more intel from the Sacerdote. He revealed to us the origin of the tobacco narcotics. Much like the log narcotics, the tobacco masquerade the marijuana plants in the cargo. Both plants are grown west of Marilla on local plantations. They are managed by the Confederados, descendants of ex-Confederates from the United States. They are likely the strongest gang in the cartel with direct links to American and Koloban militaries. Their capo is Jo Shelby who resides in his manor within OBJ Virginia. Capturing the strongest gang’s capo is sure to present us with more intel on the cartel. Destroying all of the tobacco and hemp will destroy the other arm of the drug traffic trade.

Additionally, a weapons store has been built in FOB Gold. Operatives will be compensated a bonus per operation attended. The bonuses can be spent on purchasing non-regular weapons and equipment from the weapons store. Bonuses persist from operation to operation.


  1. Capture the HVT Jo Shelby
  2. Capture 8 Portable Helipad Lights
  3. Destroy all crop fields


PHASE 1: Movement

1.01: Setup observation around OBJ Virginia

1.02: Bypass or neutralize Los Viagras patrols on the roads

PHASE 2: HVT Capture

2.01: Attack OBJ Virginia

2.02: Identify and enter the Manor

2.03: Capture the HVT Jo Shelby

PHASE 3: Security

3.01: Secure the UH-1H Gunship

3.02: Deliver the HVT to FOB Gold using the UH-1H Gunship

PHASE 4: Destruction

4.01: Destroy 3 Praga Trucks in OBJ Virginia

4.02: Destroy 2 Tractors in OBJ Virginia

4.03: Ignite all crop fields in OBJ Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas

4.04: Hold at the AO until all crop fields are destroyed

PHASE 5: Evacuation

5.01: Embark on the UH-1H Gunship

5.02: RTB with the UH-1H Gunship


LRR Radio: AN/PRC-77

SRR Radio: AN/PRC-343

OPSCOM LRR Frequency: 30Hz

BRAVO LRR Frequency: 30Hz


BRAVO RED SRR Channel: 1




Green Smoke: BLUFOR nearby / LZ Marker

Red Smoke: OPFOR nearby / TFP marker

Purple Smoke: Mass casualties received


Time: 1983/09/22 0730

Weather: Slight Overcast

Fog: None

Enemy TO/E

Factions: Confederados, Triple Amenaza, Los Viagras, Koloba

Small Arms: M14, M16, M60, AKS-74U, PKM, AKMN, AK-74N, Type 56-2, RPK, AK, G3A3, FAL 50.00

Explosives: Fragmentation Grenade, M47 Dragon, AK-74N with GP-25 Grenade Launcher

Ground Vehicles: Land Rover with M2 Technical, M113A1 APC, M113A3 APC, MTVR Transport Truck, Praga Transport Truck, Jawa 250, Tractor

Aircraft: UH-1H Transport Helicopter, UH-1H Gunship

Artillery/Statics: M2

Friendly TO/E

Small Arms: FAL 50.63, F4 Minimi Para

Explosives: Fragmentation Grenade, RPG-7, Satchel Charge, Anti-Personnel Tripwire, AN-M14 Incendiary Grenade

Ground Vehicles: Ural Transport Truck MHQ, Undercover Bus MHQ, Zodiac Boat MHQ

Aircraft: None

Artillery/Statics: M2

Miscelleanous Support: Boat Garage, Weapon Store

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