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"Wolves in sheep's clothing."

 December 18th, 2021


After the events of the 17th only now has SESO been able to get a breather and reestablish contact with NATO, and their next assignment is not surprising. Their continued obsession with this device seems to continue, but assuming all that can be done to complete the objective is taken and SESO abides by their side of the contract, the money is still in the bag no matter where NATO takes them.

Otherwise the conditions of the fight in the A/O are grim. NATO has been completely pushed out of the area with only clusters and salients remaining, SESO currently camped up with one of those clusters. That cluster being the remainder of the 1st Armored Division, but after reestablishing contact with NATO it seems the Russians hold on this area is temporary. As SESO's attack on the airfield has still taken its toll, and the Russians were only able to dislodge NATO by putting all their eggs into one basket for this push. But it is suspected they will pull out soon due to supply difficulties or be forced out as NATO recuperates a fighting force.


As mentioned, NATO is still having SESO pursue the same case. But this objective seems more concrete than a simple bread crumb trail. Instead there is rumor of a construction of a Russian black site, and with help from the document recovered at the radar station we are aware of the device's need and effect on the Teutonic plates in this area. Connecting the dots, NATO would like us to do what we can to find the location of this site and detonate any cargo or materials that are being put forward for its construction. If this is successful, it does not bode well for the employment of the device against us.

Currently we have one lead on this black site's construction, and that is local recruitment of individuals from the Russians. Ever since the crippling of Fort Gotz, Russians have found it difficult to move in new men or materials, especially combat engineers. So employing civilians seems to be the only alternative for extra labourers. We are also aware of a Russian officer that plans to meet at this local recruitment area sometime today, we have the starting plot of his route which he is supposed to arrive at around 16:30, providing ample time for an ambush if decided upon.


  1. Either infiltrate using civilian worker or the Russian officer's garments, or interrogate the local recruiter.
  2. Lift information on the location of the black site.
  3. Identify important cargo and materials to the construction and detonate them.
  4. Return to FOB Shifty.


-Russian Officer

As mentioned, the Russian Officer that is meant to meet at the recruitment office has a set route, but we only have ascertained the initial start of it, making it a time sensitive ambush. It should be noted that the officer's convoy is most likely escorted by some form of armor or technical and some infantry fighting force, so a proper ambush will need to be organized.

-Local recruitment Area

We have found the location of the area based off civilian accounts. It remains in a decommissioned factory retooling plant. It is staffed light, but should be noted it provides the only current lead as to where the black site may be located.

Enemy Elements:

Russians supply lines remain heavily crippled and as such lesser amounts of units should be expected, but that is not to say the same Air and Ground elements won't be present, but instead probably just in lesser numbers.


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