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December 17th, 2020


SESO's last engagement has not only bolstered our spirits but proved us as a worthy asset NATO has been expecting. With such a success we can expect reward, but also higher expectations. Although... today seems to be the exception. The crippled state of the hearth of all Russian forces in our A/O has made them quite paranoid, and not to mention weaker. The tables seemed to have turned in our favor, but NATO is expecting us to utilize this time frame. But explicitly on the 'device' we had lost days earlier.


NATO's obsession with this so called 'device' has sent us for a loop trying to contain and follow its bread trail, them leading us on another in this engagement. Apparently a radar station mentioned by Hartman and verified by Alpine and later Perseus before his capture, contains more of the research we had been tasked with returning last mission. According to Hartman, Perseus and his coworkers had been moved around here by the Russians. So as such NATO has been quick to push a SSE and recovery of any intel at the site, and possibly follow that aforementioned bread trail.

It should be noted the Radar Stations exact location is unknown to us, but after contacting Alpine, he has offered to show us the way.


  1. Cross the line of engagement without opening contact.
  2. Contact and follow Alpine to the radar station.
  3. SSE the radar station, gathering any intel and following any trails given by the intel.
  4. Evac back to MOB Tirpitz


-KSK Operatives

KSK Operatives sent on a similar mission to yours had gone radio silent a few hours ago, if encountered there should be assumed there is a Russian presence nearby.

-Crippled Garrison

The Russian grasp on the nothern areas of our A/O is slowly loosening, the destroyed state of their only supply line has made moving material hard, and getting the material even harder. So expect lesser amounts of troops than previously expected.

Enemy Elements:

As mentioned, the Russians supply lines have been heavily crippled and as such lesser amounts of units should be expected, but that is not to say the same Air and Ground elements won't be present, but instead probably just in lesser numbers.

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