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"Belly of the beast"

December 16th, 2020


After the events of the 15th SESO has experienced a major blowback, practically nullifying any of the progress made within the last weeks. Our contact Perseus and the device we had worked to retain, are both lost. As such, NATO has had enough. Giving us an objective that although is very risky, they are willing to amend the contract to 'accommodate' for, but only in the case, this succeeds.


Having been name-dropped before, Fort 'Gotz' the North Eastern airbase that had fallen to Russian forces this past week, has been the main funnel for logistics and other supplies, as well as laying off point for Russian air and ground forces in the A/O. While NATO does not retain the strength to push a counter-attack to the airbase, and most likely could not afford one from what they have experienced in 'Uppercut'. But clearly seeking a form of revenge, and with an opportunity given the lack-luster and tired state of Russian forces on the front after their offensive, NATO believes they have the time to send us to perform a hit and run on the hearth of the Russian forces.

If successful, this will give NATO insight into the Russian’s motives with the device, and cripple or at least prove to be a punch in the gut for enemy forces; logistically and morally.

It should be noted, that the eyes lingering over us in the past... seemed to have returned. This is a crucial part of our contract and should be respected as such. If it isn't, it may not bode well for us.


  1. Take the VTOL at its max ceiling height and bail over the Fort. This has been the preferred method of entry given the tightly packed front we face, any attempt to cross on foot would most likely be met by Russian interception either accidental or deliberate. But by going by air and bailing the aircraft, we can lead troops away from Gotz as it is assumed the Russians will send a QRF, but only find a crash; at which point the assigned objectives should be complete.

  2. Infiltrate the compound and retrieve an officer named 'Sergey Glagolev' (POI #2), and retrieve forgotten documents at POI #1. After landing, and either performing recon or just grouping up SESO is to make a decision on their plan of attack via the POIs (Points of interest.) But is expected to at least travel to POI #1 and #2. As these are the objectives.

  3. (Optional.) The detonation of enemy assets. By detonating and destroying enemy assets at 'Gotz' we can assist NATO in taking the upper hand again and generally make life easier by crippling Russian forces.

  4. Evac. SESO will be given an RV to meetup for evac after the callsign is given over the radio, this being the only time to breach radio silence. (Will be touched on in intel.)


#1- POI 1 is a small office complex previously occupied by a scientist working on the device we have become familiar with. We have been informed he was of Ukrainian descent, so any Cyrillic writing on the scene should also be retrieved.

#2- POI 2 is a large building, housing a repair station, officer barrack, and work room. We presume this will be the location of 'Sergey Glagolev' and as such heavy caution is advised as room clearing is conducted to recover and capture him.

#3- POI 3 is an abandoned mortar position south of the Fort, if SESO chooses; they can use any of the materials left there to sabotage and get past Russian defenses.

#4- POI 4 is a general infantry and storage area, containing supplies and vehicles, along with housing for infantry. Once things get hot and shots are fired, reinforcements should be expected from here.

#5- POI 5 is a control tower, expected to not be housed by any infantry as of now, it contains controls to the lights and generators of the airbase, shutting these off will be a major hindrance to the defending forces due to their lack of night vision capabilities. (See Intel section NVG shortage.)


-Radio silence

We have received a tip-off from a Russian soldier captured after last nights offensive, that the Russian signal battalions have taken notice of a certain frequency communicating to Tirpitz, and this communication only happens as special operations groups have been reported attacking fellow Russian troops, although they cannot hear the contents of the message that is reason enough for them to be suspicious when it comes in use. So given that the Russians have a hunch that this may be the case, we can expunge this belief by keeping radio silence with Tirpitz until the objective is complete and SESO is evacuating from the A/O. (Note: This does not mean communication between operatives is prohibited but just Tirpitz, unless the element of surprise is deemed unnecessary by SESO.

-'Sergey Glagolev'

A Russian officer in the Spetsnaz, we have been informed that Sergey was moved from direct combat to work instead on a security detail of a top-secret project, which we have become directly involved in. By capturing him we can lift any information on the whereabouts of the device and simultaneously remove the coordinator of its security.

-NVG Shortage

An informant from the Russian airbase has informed us of a serious lack of NVG capabilities due to the constant air interceptions by NATO forces, so lack of batteries has become a serious problem. Thankfully the Russians have decided to shift the remaining batteries to front-line serving units from their push yesterday, leaving garrisons with scare amounts, providing a weakness to the airbases defenses.

Enemy Elements: As mentioned, the Russians know 'Gotz' is vital to their efforts within this A/O, so they have garrisoned it accordingly, so expect heavy resistance in the engagement.


Given this engagements intensity, a few suggestions have been given to undertake it:

-Coordination, For this Operation to be successful coordination is a must. Everyone should be on the same page, and Squad and Team leaders should do their best to make sure this is so, as not keeping communication and the aforementioned subjects can quickly lead to the unraveling of the plan. Also agreeing on a squad leader trusted by all parties is suggested, to keep these things in order.

-Radio usage,

Grabbing 152s may be necessary during this engagement as distances between POIs may span long enough to make it quite difficult to retain any level of communication or coordination.

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