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"Loose ends"

 December 14th, 2021


With SESO's successes in marking and securing the 'device' for NATO forces, they have appeared to loosen up a bit, the many overlooking eyes seem to have departed, and some sense of trust has seemed to have been established with us. So much so in fact, the device secured has been brought to FOB Tirpitz. But like "Perseus" himself it is assumed this will be temporary, but using this time to gather any information from him may be beneficial as our benefactors are rather blunt and lackluster with detail.


Now, we have been tasked with what is apparently just a simple hit and run. A Russian scientist that had been working on the 'device' had quickly fled with a convoy detail as the first shots opened up on the compound last night. He has been rumored to have been seeking refuge in a Western town in the AO, but that town has since been heavily garrisoned since. But figuring where exactly, and what town will be the preliminary work left to SESO before they can assassinate the target.


  1. Find a lead on the scientist (Intel section.)
  2. Using the lead locate and recon town.
  3. Find and kill target.
  4. Exfill.


There is nothing definitive that NATO has handed off to us about possible locations, as such we will have to use our own sources;


Conveniently our contact 'Alpine' that we had let go last time has offered to give us information we might find useful, but to trust 'Alpine' and concede with whatever he may wish for in return is up to SESO to decide.

-Downed Pilot

Alternatively, or rather additionally a pilot of a UH-60 Black Hawk has been downed in the Western region, if he had seen any large concentrations of Russian forces or anything that poked out on the skyline that could be of use... SESO could rescue the pilot before any NATO forces do, and lift any information in a more time worthy pace.

Enemy elements within the AO:

It is expected that the garrison size you faced in 'Uppercut' is still stationed in the area you are operating in, so anywhere from light to heavy armor and aircraft is expected. As usual, keeping a low profile is suggested, as to not draw any massive Russian reinforcements before any lead is found, but heavy contact is expected to occur in the town.

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