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"Round Table"

December 13, 2021


With our recovery of the asset many of the eyes watching us seem to have vanished, and those still remaining have turned to applause. But we can not allow this to make way for a lapse in our success. The same NATO officials have tasked us with SSE and recovery of a 'device' leaving it as blunt as that. While we would wish to indulge in further details... we have not been provided any. The asset "Perseus" may though, he seems to have quite the connection with the 'device' and if asked the right questions he may be able to fill in any lingering inquiries, but only if he concedes them to you. Otherwise we will be walking into this blind, with a rough outline of what we are looking for and how we are to find it.


As mentioned, SESO will be tasked with recovery or at least confirmation of a 'device's location. For this objective we have only two pieces of information to spring off of, the apparent crash of a C-130 cargo flight headed south bound going by the callsign K-10, though its location is unknown due to the fog masking any extensive ariel search, and the threat of Russian fast movers/AAA. Our other lead, is a contact going by "Alpine" he has provided a meetup location, and promises to divulge information on the whereabouts of the crash and movement of Russian elements within the AO. NATO is providing us with a ride to the LZ, so there is no need to worry about flying. But it should be noted that this engagement is also north of the line of battle. So to undertake this properly it is recommended a level of stealth is undertaken.


  1. Meetup with NATO MARSOC pilots
  2. Ride to LZ Norfolk
  3. Make contact with 'Alpine' and deduct intel, cut loose ends
  4. Conduct SSE and search for flight 'K-10'
  5. Use any intel provided at scenes to triangulate position of the 'Device'
  6. Extract the device and all friendly elements using assistance from NATO forces.


Our intel revolves around the two listed subjects:

-Contact 'Alpine'

Choosing to go by 'Alpine' Gregory Abakumov is a former contractor, turned criminal within these last few years. He has been stopped many times for illegal drug trafficking throughout Europe with many charges. He is known to be quite the bargainer as per his colleagues. It is recommended you do as he requests though, because there is not a lot more information to go off of for this engagement.

-Flight 'K-10'

A US C-130 type cargo aircraft was downed hours ago, going by callsign 'K-10'. After the crash, our benefactors were quick to provide us this task of recovery and SSE. So it was assumed the cargo is of much importance, we were quickly justified in this fact after being told its cargo was the so-called 'device' that the scientist we previously recovered had been monitoring. The fate and location of the aircraft and it's pilots are unknown, and that is up to SESO to exactly figure out.

Enemy elements within the AO:

It is expected that the garrison size you faced in 'Uppercut' is still stationed in the area you are operating in, so anywhere from light to heavy armor and aircraft is expected, hence stealth being suggested. So infrequent patrols are expected to be encountered.

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