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With a crippling blow to Russian air troop's logistics in the Northern Areas of our AO. This has left a opportunity for a armored spearhead directly into the Russian lines, this spearhead lead by the US Armies 1st Armored Division, as well as a amalgamation of Bundeswehr armored forces. By catching the Russians in a momentary state of weakness and disarray, with their logistics crippled. It is projected that a quick hit like this should dislodge and force the Russian forces from their foothold, with nowhere to retreat to: This should allow SESO too move to another AO on the front. Given this is a success.


As mentioned in the overview, there is armored spearhead from NATO forces, with the goals of piercing into the Russian lines and totally collapsing any sense of organization, as well as capturing back Fort Gotz. To increase chances of success, and needing a job, SESO has volunteered themselves into assisting the armored spearhead, eliminating any installations on the way, that may serve a threat for the force, as well as conducting Search and Destroy missions on compounds after the surrounding areas are cleared from hostiles.


SESO will be serving as a rear guard while on route to the objective, letting armor act as a shield until SESO is able to either identify a installation or compound that needs infiltration and destruction, this process will be repeated until they arrive at Fort Gotz, liberating it from only a twelve hour occupation. After doing so, it should be a matter of time before Russian assets are forced to withdrawal due to no logistical infrastructure.


  1. Meet up at RV Alpha.
  2. Travel to back of convoy at starting at RP Tango.
  3. Move with convoy, identifying and clearing any Russian entrenched positions, and compounds.
  4. Eventually clear Fort Gotz, completing the objective.


Much like the last, this Operation has been launched with no substantial intel go ahead. But of the basis that no heavy armor or equipment is expected, air assets may come in but heavy resistance is not projected to happen due to the tired state of Russian forces last night, as they battled for Fort Gotz. But caution is advised as this may not be the case.

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