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"Night stalkers"

As we speak Russian and NATO forces clash across Europe and beyond. No victor or even possible outcome can even be theorized with the massive widespread chaos spread around the world... most News outlets are yet to even cover the story of the war outbreaking, whether this is because of the fast paced nature of this war, or something else, will have to be established later... But with this conflict arising, S.E.S.O has already been put to the test, rearming anti air systems across their designated area. Now, they are already set to go on the offensive.


As seen by our Operatives, the Russian armed forces with a still contested sky, and the advantage of surprise, were able to move in several air and infantry assets by plane and HELO transports. So it already being so early into this conflict, we can not allow them to gain any significant foothold, and if they do, we must hinder and slow the progress of said foothold as much as possible. We will do this through destruction of their vehicles, heavy weaponry, and logistical lines. Nurturing the airborne and other infantry elements by completing this.


In conjunction with the US air force we have gathered a time frame where their CAS elements can afford to be under our direction. Though, this time will be at night, meaning lazing and identifying targets may be difficult. So, we will be utilizing IR strobes and other equipment to mark the positions of the elements needed to be destroyed by CAS. Meaning staying low profile will be important for a mission success. So as such, suppressors and IR lasers have been provided.


  1. Gather intel on exact locations of logistics and vehicle hubs for Russian forces.
  2. Eliminate any garrisons getting in way, while avoiding major attention.
  3. Attach IR strobes to targets, and or laze targets.
  4. Give go ahead for CAS.
  5. Mop up stragglers and or missed Russian depots.
  6. Exfil.


Intel on this engagement is sparse, due to the urgent requirement for this to be undertaken. But this engagement was launched off a hunch that the logistical activities were being undertaken, given recovered US UAV footage, [SEE ATTACHED] Other than this, the intel as aforementioned is sparse, it is expected the area will be highly patrolled and defended in the outer areas, but get the garrison getting lighter closer to the objectives. Due to the amount of troops on the front needed.

Attached Intel:

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