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Operation Osiris

"Red Hand"

Engagement: #7

Situation: After the previous engagement the CDF has restablished communications with S.E.S.O., completed their offensive, and attempted to recover after the series of emissions. The CDF offensive which was spearheaded by S.E.S.O. has cut the Chedaki line in half, isolating a Chedaki contingent and opening a front with the Russians. High command in CDF have voiced their displeasure with having to halt some of their progress due to the lack of proper PPE after the several emissions. Because of this their attention has been drawn to S.E.S.O. who have no such problems with PPE.

Before any plans can be drawn up though a consensus was reached that S.E.S.O. needed to be more easily mobile in terms of their amenities. To achieve that CDF engineers conceived the MCSV Mobile Combat Support Vehicle which would allow S.E.S.O. to setup camp where ever it was stationed as long as it was fueled and near CDF lines for resupply. Though, some of the engineers lack the technical expertise to complete final adjustments and the supplies as well. Most important of these is the lack of fuel. Created by the recent offensive, the CDF has been facing a minor fuel shortage in the western front. So S.E.S.O. has been tasked with retrieving technical engineers left behind after a Chedaki offensive, fuel, and repair/maintenance vehicle.

Knowing that Elektrozavodsk is one of the second largest urban areas in Chernarus there is no single building we can pinpoint to that will hold a Chedaki presence. So, it will be up to S.E.S.O. to comb the city and identify Chedaki hardpoints. These will most likely have flags for identification along with sandbags and other entrenchments, and will hold any of the fuel, engineers, or trucks you are looking for. After completing the search for these three assets you are to proceed to PAPA-1 to drop off the supplies so they can be easily picked up by a CDF marine team and then exfil the AO. Note that you are to infil into the AO using an Mi-8 provided by CDF forces because of the distance. But, S.E.S.O. has been warned to take a northern path and LZ above Russian occupied Chernogorsk and Chedaki lines on the coast, landing somewhere near Pusta or Topolka Dam would be ideal to avoid SPAA or MANPADs hitting your transport.

Mission: Rescue CDF Engineers and retake supplies.


  1. Take Mi-8 to AO/Elektrozavodsk.
  2. Identify Chedaki hardpoints.
  3. Secure Engineers, Repair truck, and sufficient amount of fuel cannisters.
  4. Bring assets to PAPA 1 for pick-up.
  5. EXFIL.


The AO will almost entirely urban, so while an armored presence is to be expected, the environment should be taken advantage of.

The Composition of the enemy ChDKZ force consists of primarily Infantry and mechanized groups. The AA presence is light but MANPADs may be occasionally present so be wary with use of Lifeline 1-3 as CAS support.

S.E.S.O.'s squad composition has been slightly altered with their recent addition of the Javelins which were apparently captured from crates during the last engagement. In conjunction to this, JTAC in light of recent events has been finally given access to CDF assets for fire missions. This includes: Jupiter 1-3 and 2-4 artillery assets, as well

Lastly, zones marked in black within the AO are indicators of irradiated zones. These are lethal to anyone who enters without proper PPE, but should they be encountered it is recommended to deviate around them unless necessary.

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