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Operation Osiris

"Point Break"

Engagement: #6

Situation: After the previous engagement the CDF has restablished operations at ChTi and secured forward positions on the ChDKZ line. This has filled them with a confidence to commence their counter attack. Hoping to split the ChDKZ front, establish CDF influence near Chernogorsk, and secure the south-western border the CDF are launching their long awaited three pronged offensive, which you have been helping them to prepare. With the stage now set for this operation, all that is left is how S.E.S.O. will fit in. CDF Command hopes to make a silent advance as long as possible, this means there will be no radio commnuication between S.E.S.O. and CDF elements until a signal is given, and bypassing blocked junctions as quietly as possible. This last part in particular is the issue to which S.E.S.O. has been brought in, CDF Command wants one of the early warning and blocking outposts manned by the ChDKZ to be infiltrated and eliminated. This will be done by following the path of one of the patrols that regularily enters this OP, dressing the part, planting charges, and destroying any communication devices that could transmit an alert to ChDKZ forces. S.E.S.O. will need to coordinate with the infiltrating indiviauls and their own squad to effectively take out the OP from the inside. In conjunction to this operation, CDF wants S.E.S.O. to secure vital information likely at this outpost, containing markings for minefields, if this is secured CDF assaults will likely see success on a larger scale. Lastly, if being quiet had to be emphaized most in a section of this engagement it would be this area, the power grid which allows for telephone communciation and operation of most systems in the cities is just south of the OP S.E.S.O. will be taking. The part that makes this task difficult is that this grid resides in Russian control. The CDF does not wish to arrise a complete conflict with the Russians and thinks the stalemate is to their advantage, this means the destruction of the grid should be done in a fashion that no one should be left to alert Russian command of S.E.S.O./CDF involvement. " Mission: Infiltrate and secure Blocking Outpost and Power Grid.


  1. Ambush and procure transport from ChDKZ patrol.
  2. Infiltrate the OP; securing intel, and coordinating with other S.E.S.O. operatives to sieze the OP.
  3. Shoot a red flare to signal CDF operations.
  4. Detonate Russian power grid while avoiding Russian air patrols.
  5. Proceed to rendezvous B2, and await further tasking.


This engagement will take place at 18:00, so night vision is advised. Due to this fact though, we know there will be a presence of Russian air patrols who tend to run sorties as it gets darker. Meaning S.E.S.O. operatives should tread lightly in Russian territoty.

Uniforms will be provided for the infiltrating individuals. It is believed the patrol is typically 2-3 men in a UAZ. Satchels will be provided and explosives are advised to be taken for detonation of ChDKZ and Russian assets at both objectives.

The Composition of the enemy ChDKZ force consists of primarily Infantry and mechanized groups. The AA presence is light but MANPADs may be occasionally present so be wary with use of Lifeline 1-3 as CAS support.

S.E.S.O.'s squad composition has been slightly altered with their recent addition of the Javelins which were apparently captured from crates during the last engagement. In conjunction to this, JTAC in light of recent events has been finally given access to CDF assets for fire missions. This includes: Jupiter 1-3 and 2-4 artillery assets, as well as Lifeline 1-3 a Mi-24V attack helicopter. Ammo and uses are limited so they are to be used with discretion.

Lastly, zones marked in black within the AO are indicators of irradiated zones. These are lethal to anyone who enters without proper PPE, but should they be encountered it is recommended to deviate around them unless necessary.

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