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Operation Osiris


Engagement: #5

Situation: After the events of the prior engagement several situations have developed. Taking advantage of the headway S.E.S.O. made in decimating reserve forces of the Chedaki, Russian elements captured the town of Komarovo. Russian forces have long been silent and their sphere of influence static within Chernarus, until now only extending to Chernogorsk and nearby areas on the periphery. In addition to this, a checkpoint west of S.E.S.O.'s last area of operations was breached and all of its occupants were killed in what was believed a Russian attack. This has left the previously cordoned off South Zagoria open on one of its main causeways. The effects of this are only still being left to speculation but there is a rise in foot traffic, sickness, and a fear of further pro-Russian elements linking up with Russian forces to the east.

Now onto the situation at hand, on Green Mountain sits the important ChTi radio station. This station holds a lot of significance to the CDF due to it being the only media organization covering this war actively and the only means by which the CDF can broadcast media on this scale abroad. In a snatch and grab attack last night a paramilitary organization, NAPA, took three journalists from the station. Curiously, they left the tower untouched and did not tamper with any information. But, the lack of any staff to keep the production going at Green Mountain has proved equally viable in stopping the CDF in its tracks. The urgency the CDF has put on this engagement we assume spawns from the idea that if the situation in Chernarus is not broadcasted it will be forgotten and calls for support will fall on deaf ears internationally. Additionally, the CDF fears national morale will deteriorate.

So with the priority of this mission emphasized, naturally S.E.S.O. has been called to undertake the recovery of the journalists. NAPA being a paramilitary organization and mostly guerilla, any of their positions have been difficult to trace. The hope is that S.E.S.O. can find some lead from Green Mountain to trace the exact location or semblance of NAPA presence within the nearby towns of Green Mountain. Since NAPA is known to disguise itself among civilian and military forces it is assumed something left from ChTi can be traced to NAPA within one of the towns. But, due to these factors, the towns of Pulkovo, Pogorevka, and Rogovo will likely be needed to be cleared of Chedaki presence and then searched for any members of NAPA or any link to the journalists' location. So by clearing the towns and finding the journalists the CDF hopes to hit two birds with one stone since this will clear the flank for the upcoming CDF offensive.

Mission: Investigate and clear the towns Pulkovo, Pogorevka, and Rogovo to recover captured Journalists.


  1. Investigate the ChTi station on Green Mountain.
  2. Clear and search for NAPA presence in Pulkovo, Pogorevka, and Rogovo
  3. Recover journalists.
  4. Return to friendly CDF forces at Zelenogorsk.


The Composition of the enemy ChDKZ force consists of primarily Infantry and mechanized groups. The AA presence is light but MANPADs may be occasionally present so be wary with use of Lifeline 1-3 as CAS support.

S.E.S.O.'s squad composition has been slightly altered with their recent addition of the Javelins which were apparently captured from crates during the last engagement. In conjunction to this, JTAC in light of recent events has been finally given access to CDF assets for fire missions. This includes: Jupiter 1-3 and 2-4 artillery assets, as well as Lifeline 1-3 a Mi-24V attack helicopter. Ammo and uses are limited so they are to be used with discretion.

Lastly, zones marked in black within the AO are indicators of irradiated zones. These are lethal to anyone who enters without proper PPE, but should they be encountered it is recommended to deviate around them unless necessary.

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