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Operation Osiris

"What the Altars Hold"

Engagement: #3

Situation: S.E.S.O. has successfully secured their passage southward toward the nearest friendly CDF forces, the 8th Air assault company. While they are a less than a substantial group of beleaguered men who have little to no connection with the rest of their lines since their drop... they are the closest and best option S.E.S.O. has at the moment and that will have to do. Relations with Kozlov appeared more positive than expected given S.E.S.O. 's extra assistance. So eyes have entirely shifted towards the Chedaki threat. Lingering North-East of Novy Sobor and the 8th Air Assault Company is Fort Altar, a bunker fortress that stretches deep into the ground. Scrambled communication with S.E.S.O.'s advisor, Hercules, has resulted in a new directive for the PMC. Normally CDF's brass would've wanted S.E.S.O. to return deeper into friendly lines for rearmament and typical tasking. Though, in this instance, S.E.S.O. has found themselves near a target of opportunity, Fort Altar.

Fort Altar has remained a gem to CDF forces but was lost in the initial Chedaki uprising, and due to its extensive entrenchment has continued to be a thorn in the CDF's side. But in this case, S.E.S.O. is tasked with securing intel from the Fort. Specifically, a Flash Drive with the contents of information pertinent to a developing renewed counterattack by the CDF. As vague as that is, that's all the brass tells me. It is confirmed that the Flash Drive and information systems area are all within the deepest depths of Fort Altar, the tunnel system. Given the tight corridors of Altar and the reputation, it holds S.E.S.O. has been advised to move slow and smooth. In conjunction with this S.E.S.O. has been specifically instructed to not tamper with or destroy any computer systems present in Altar besides bringing the Flash Drive, no questions asked.

In addition to this before any assault on Altar is possible there is an issue present. The lack of a maintained electrical grid within Fort Altar. After some counterattacks, it is believed shelling and combat may have damaged Fort Altar's electrical grid and with it sealed the lowest tunnels of Fort Altar along with the Flash Drive. A nearby electrical grid that powers a long-neglected amusement park is known to have the capability to supplement the grid at Altar, which is already connected. Bringing a team of engineers from the 8th Air Assault Company over to this Amusement park to repair the grid will allow access to the tunnels within Fort Altar. But, there is a known Chedaki garrison at the park. So any assault on Altar is put on standby until this grid can be cleared and repaired. Lastly, there is a known amplifier post south of the park. Destroying this post along with its contingent will prevent it from being able to amplify any requests for support from the already weakened signal at Fort Altar.

Mission: Assist the CDF in clearing and securing intel from Fort Altar.


  1. Secure and clear electrical grid, restoring power to Fort Altar.
  2. Prevent reinforcments by detonating Amplifier post. (Optional)
  3. Clear Fort Altar.
  4. Enter sealed bunker tunnel and secure Flash Drive.
  5. Return to friendly CDF forces at Novy Sobor.


The Composition of the enemy ChDKZ force consists of primarily Infantry and light mechanized groups. It is assumed heavier ordnance, armored groups, artillery batteries, and air assault assets will be tied up with remaining CDF forces on the beach or garrisoning locations to the east.

Contact with HQ has been spotty so all support assets that would typically be provided will be unavailable to be guided in by JTAC as of now but hopefully soon now that we have linked up with CDF forces.

Lastly, zones marked in black within the AO are indicators of irradiated zones. These are lethal to anyone who enters without proper PPE, but should they be encountered it is recommended to deviate around them unless necessary.

Fort Altar is a large complex so do not underestimate it's size from above ground. The long stretching corrdiors are known to be filled with a large garrison of Chedaki and outward facing statics that prevent any assaults. Though specifically in the north, there is a less fortified entrance. But, it contains a mine field that should be avoided at all costs... unless someone were to attain some method of passing it.

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