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Operation Osiris

"Last Nail in the Coffin"

Engagement: #12

Situation: Finally Russian forces have been pushed out of the AO, and Chedaki defeat seems all but certain with Chernogorsk under CDF control. As the Chedaki buckle under the CDF advance there remains one last bulwark against peace talks, General Ivan Gusakov. Contacts have been made and morale within the ChDKZ is at a all time low. So much so that higher leadership has offered to talk terms but have voiced their inability due to the existence of a member within the ChDKZ. Ivan Gusakov retains a major sway on the ChDKZ due to his stake in the organization since its inception. If there's anyone who most will listen to it's him, but his disagreements with the rest of ChDKZ and inability to accept anything less than total victory has made him problematic.

With this information the CDF hopes to utilize S.E.S.O. in one last enagement to cut the head from the hydra, hoping it's replacements will be more cooperative. To the north the last major stronghold in the west remains, Bashnya airbase. Ivan Gusakov is known to operate and command his forces from here ever since it's capture. The CDF plans to launch a major offensive into the north using its air and armored forces to tie up major ChDKZ contingents. As this happens S.E.S.O. will breach checkpoint and guard stations on the way to Bashnya, finally making their way to the airfield and assassinating Ivan Gusakov.

This plan was concieved and preparing as news came from the ChDKZ. Sensing where the wind was blowing Ivan Gusakov seemed to have discerned discent within his ranks and mobilized more elements around the defense of Bashnya airbase and more importantly the existence of three nuclear capable SCUD launchers in case of CDF movements. Since then the fronts have halted any notable movements, both sides hesistant to not incite an even larger international crisis. But this reveal has not dissuaded CDF from their plans only broadened the responsibilities of S.E.S.O. this engagement. With the pressure on S.E.S.O. they are now expected to clear Bashnya, secure all three SCUD launchers, eliminate hardpoints on the main causeway to Bashnya, and finally prevent the escape of and assassinate Ivan Gusakov. Hopefully bringing an end to this bloody conflict.

Mission: Secure the SCUD missiles and eliminate Ivan Gusakov at Bashnya airfield.


  1. Clear causeway to Airfield.
  2. Search airfield for SCUDs.
  3. Secure SCUDs from ChDKZ forces.
  4. Stop and eliminate Ivan Gusakov
  5. EXFIL.


It is known that the Ivan Gusakov possesses two C-130 cargo aircraft captured from CDF forces during the beginning of the conflict. It is possible he may try and escape with them.

The Composition of the enemy ChDKZ force consists of primarily Infantry, and mechanized groups.

Given the 'favors' S.E.S.O. helped the CDF pay back S.E.S.O. has also been lent a TOW launcher for use against the mechanized groups that will likely be highly concentrated at Bashnya.

S.E.S.O.'s squad composition has been slightly altered with their recent addition of the Javelins which were apparently captured from crates during the last engagement. In conjunction to this, JTAC in light of recent events has been finally given access to CDF assets for fire missions. This includes: Jupiter 1-3 and 2-4 artillery assets, as well as Lifeline 1-3 a Mi-24V attack helicopter. Ammo and uses are limited so they are to be used with discretion.

Lastly, zones marked in black within the AO are indicators of irradiated zones. These are lethal to anyone who enters without proper PPE, but should they be encountered it is recommended to deviate around them unless necessary.

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