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Operation Osiris

"In and Out"

Engagement: #11

Situation: With daily airlifts of Russian elements out of Chernogorsk all signs now point to a Russian withdrawl from the civil war. Especially, after the success of last engagement. With this news the CDF has rightfully sprung out in celebration. But, it is apparent this offensive on Balota airfield has cost much of the CDF's momentum in the south. While the CDF would gladly strangle the city into submission through naval and aerial blockades they lack the air supremacy or naval assets to do so. Limiting this is the still active anti air emplacement that was not neutralized last engagement. This was thorn in the side of the air assault on Balota and remains one for any attempted interceptions on Russian aircraft still operating in the area.

Given that the CDF elements in the south remain winded from the offensive CDF high command does not think thrusting them into Urban combat would be a great idea. Especially, into the most Urban area of Chernarus and the Capital of Chernarus, Chernogorsk. While recapturing Chernogorsk would be a massive PR and strategic accomplishment for the CDF the attritional loses that would be taken have disuaded them. For this reason the CDF wishes to build its reserves and seek more foreign support. Namely through doing a few 'favors'.

This is where S.E.S.O. comes in, intel to gather from the disabled Admiral Panteleyev and Mi-28 attack helicopter. The CDF's friends in the west have interests residing in computers onboard the Panteleyev and interests in analzying the newer Russian attack helicopter, the Mi-28. Securing these two objectives and helping soften the entrenched positions in Chernogorsk by neutralizing some Russian strongholds should allow the CDF to regain the ability to conduct an offensive and see about the end of this war.

Mission: Eliminate Russian AA and strongholds while siezing intel from the Panteleyev and Mi-28.


  1. Eliminate AA position.
  2. Move to secure all REPs.
  3. Ascertain Diving Suits.
  4. Secure intel from the Admiral Panteleyev.
  5. Procure Mi-28, return to Balota airfield.
  6. EXFIL.


The Composition of the enemy Russian force consists of primarily Infantry, air assualt, and mechanized groups. The AA presence is much greater including such things as MANPADs and SPAA.

S.E.S.O.'s squad composition has been slightly altered with their recent addition of the Javelins which were apparently captured from crates during the last engagement. In conjunction to this, JTAC in light of recent events has been finally given access to CDF assets for fire missions. This includes: Jupiter 1-3 and 2-4 artillery assets, as well as Lifeline 1-3 a Mi-24V attack helicopter. Ammo and uses are limited so they are to be used with discretion.

Lastly, zones marked in black within the AO are indicators of irradiated zones. These are lethal to anyone who enters without proper PPE, but should they be encountered it is recommended to deviate around them unless necessary.

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