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Operation Osiris

"Hornet's Nest"

Engagement: #10

Situation: S.E.S.O. has taken care of the situation in the north and now finally can move on to the secondary goal of this offensive, pushing the Russians out. With Chedaki forces routing in the north an offensive has been cleared and plans have been drawn to finally strangle the Russians enough to where they will withdrawl. With their offshore poisitions siezed, position encircled, and now with a siezure of their only airfield the CDF hopes the Russians will capitulate in the region.

With a scrambling Russian contingent now almost completely cutoff from outside support the CDF plans to sieze the airfield with MRLS strikes and quick air assualt insertions. This will be done first by ascertaining the MRLS from a known NAPA cell in the north-west of Chernarus, which is marked on your map. By splitting into two teams, a recon element can proceed to a watchpoint position, marked WP1 or find another suitable location to mark suitable targets for a fire mission that would be dangerous to the CDF air assault. Meanwhile, the other element can proceed with a search and capture of the MRLS known to be held by NAPA forces.

With a MRLS in S.E.S.O.'s poessesion they will now coordinate a fire mission on all of their own marked targets with their recon element. It is recommended to fire all rockets in a constant salvo, meaning little to no wait in between switching targets to avoid counter-battery fire that may come from sitting in one position too long. After the salvo is launched S.E.S.O. is to give the greenlight for CDF air assualt troops on when they believe the CDF can move in for their attack. At which point S.E.S.O. should assist in siezing the airfield. This means eliminating hardpoints that were not neutralized the MRLS strike and clearing installations of enemy garrison. Finally, when the airfield is secure S.E.S.O. should work to secure any assets for use in defense against any possible counter-attacks.

Mission: Assist a joint assault on the Russian occupied Balota airfield.


  1. Split squad to WP1 and Myshkino.
  2. Procure BM-21 and strike sites of importance.
  3. Give green light to CDF air assault
  4. Assist in siezing the airfield.
  5. Protect airfield from possible counter-attacks.
  6. EXFIL.


Several markers included on the map of the air field include the possible barrack and cache. These were identified by discrete CDF recon teams who analyzed patterns of the Russian garrison. While not confirmed the possible barrack could be a wise decision as far as where to place some of the fire missions targets. Additionally, the possible cache could house useful assets that S.E.S.O. could employ in case of a defense against a counter-attack but conversely could supply the enemy with arms or house armored QRFs on the airfield. The choice is up to S.E.S.O. to make but as far as recon goes it is advised to stay as far and low as possible, kicking the hornet's nest is not a good idea as a small recon element. Especially when the element of suprise is so cruicial.

The Composition of the enemy Russian force consists of primarily Infantry, air assualt, and mechanized groups. The AA presence is much greater including such things as MANPADs and SPAA.

S.E.S.O.'s squad composition has been slightly altered with their recent addition of the Javelins which were apparently captured from crates during the last engagement. In conjunction to this, JTAC in light of recent events has been finally given access to CDF assets for fire missions. This includes: Jupiter 1-3 and 2-4 artillery assets, as well as Lifeline 1-3 a Mi-24V attack helicopter. Ammo and uses are limited so they are to be used with discretion.

Lastly, zones marked in black within the AO are indicators of irradiated zones. These are lethal to anyone who enters without proper PPE, but should they be encountered it is recommended to deviate around them unless necessary.

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