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Operation Osiris

"Feet First Into Hell"

Engagement: #1

Situation: Welcome to Chernarus Alpha. In this first engagement you will be assisting the Cherno-Russian Defense Force or CDF in their "liberation" of the province of South Zagoria from ChDKZ forces. The CDF has pointed to the air base of Olsha as the lifeline of a renewed invasion and thus their primary objective. S.E.S.O. will be operating under this pretext and orders from CDF command to assist in eliminating hardpoints and elements that could stall the invasion force as well as marking targets of opportunity and predetermined locations for precision strikes as a contingency or as needed by the CDF.

Mission: Assist CDF forces in siezing the air base of Olsha


  1. If possible link up with CDF forces at nearest indicated RV or LZ locations.
  2. Neutralize predetermined hardpoints and elements.
  3. Move to Air base and elminate hostile presence at IR mark locations.
  4. Place IR strobes at instructed locations and statics. (Barrack House, Tu-95, Control Tower, Helipads)
  5. EXFIL.


The Composition of the enemy ChDKZ force consists of primarily Infantry and light mechanized groups. It is assumed heavier ordnance, armored groups, artillery batteries, and air assault assets will be tied up with CDF forces on the beach so they should not be a problem if avoided.

It should be noted to the north east of the air base there is a bandit encampment but the surrounding area of the AO should be completely void of civillian presence due to the months of conflict.

All support assets that will be typically provided by the CDF are tied up in the main invasion so will be unable to be guided in by JTAC as of now.

Lastly, zones marked in black to the north west of the AO are indicators of irradiated zones. These are lethal to anyone who enters without proper PPE. They are irrelevant to this current engagement, but should they be encountered it is recommended to deviate around them.

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