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-- BRIEFING DETAILS -- Operation Name: Openhouse

Situation: The Death of Ben has caused an imbalance between the three factions of the island. Ben was meant to hold back the full might of Bosnian forces in order to balance the scales for Lika Xhevet. Now that he is gone, the Bosnians have gathered enough support to launch an aerial assault upon the Serbian occupied territories. Word of mouth reached the Croatians who are launching a ground assault at the same time. The territory is turning into a war zone, putting our contracter Xhevet in mortal danger. Without him, there is no Openhouse and their is no compensation.

Mission: Rescue Lika Xhevet from the war zone and bring him to MOB Mermaid for security


Your primary mission will always be outlined here. The mission of Operation Openhouse's 7th Engagement is the following:

  1. Load up on the boats in Port Mermaid
  2. Reach Port Firka
  3. Push through the Firka army base until you reach Port Rafina
  4. Load up on the boats in Port Rafina
  5. Reach Malinka and engage the enemy encampment so you can acquire a land vehicle.
  6. Reach Lika Xhevet's Mansion
  7. Rescue the HVT Lika Xhevetand move him away from the Active Combat Zone
  8. Return the HVT Lika Xhevet MOB Mermaid through either EVAC Alpha or EVAC Bravo. You will need to engage hostile forces to acquire their air vehicles.

Enemy Intel: Serbian forces have deployed their finest infantry + APCs on all major settlements in the territory. Tanks, AA, and Boats are all explicitly marked on the map.

Bosnian forces are engaging the territory through artillery, and air vehicles.

Croatian forces are encroaching on the territory from the North, crawling through the Active Combat Zone. Expect infantry and armored forces to be engaging the Serbians on the ground.

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