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Operation Name: Holy Sprout

Situation: Now that we have been removed from Namaquan territory, we will reside within UN grounds. As soon as we move all of our equipment to FOB Mopane, we received a very hasty contract with the UN. Today has been marked as the 100th day in the UN-protected Suidorra Region (South-East of Isla Duala). That is until a UN humanitarian plane was shot down. The plane landed somewhere around the ghost town of Solon. Legends say Solon is cursed, that all who enter it come home with a limb fed to the demon Mendo. Since everyone else in the region is too scared to enter it, S.E.S.O. has been contracted to find and investigate the crash site of the plane. To keep in mind, it is dusk and it will surely be night soon.

Mission: Find the crash site and rescue anyone that remains.


  1. Enter a helicopter, preferably one with a light or a nightvision camera
  2. Search the marked area for the crash site
  3. Return fire only when engaged. If there are any "demons" in the town, avoid them if you must
  4. Investigate the crash site
  5. Find out what went wrong

Enemy Intelligence:

Below is the list of intelligence available on the unknown 3rd faction, which we now know as the Shadowmen. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well.

✔️ Traitorous Namaquan Soldiers

✔️ Well-trained ex-Namaquan Special Forces

✔️ Ambushes

✔️ Snipers

✔️ Mines, IEDs, and Explosives

✔️ Motorized Infantry

✔️ Armored vehicles

❌ Air vehicles

❌ Suicide Bombers

Operation Result: Failure

The surviving crew died, the remains were destroyed, and barely anyone returned with their bodies intact. The mission was not achieved.

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