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Operation Name: Church

Situation: With the president now saved, we can execute his final Mawt plan. We have selected the perfect day to land and engage the Mawt heartland. We will need to neutralize several bases, camps, and other hardpoints. Eventually, we will come across the faction leader himself: Nasser al Wuhayshi. All must be neutralized, including Nasser, and none can escape.

Mission: Neutralize the Mawt heartland and eliminate the faction leader Nasser al Wuhayshi.


  1. Insert the assault team from the north.
  2. Capture the Mortar Position north of the island.
  3. Find and eliminate the AA guns.
  4. Call in the friendly transport helicopter and your own to lay waste to everything that remains.
  5. Find and eliminate the HVT. Do not let him get away!

Enemy Intelligence:

Below is the list of intelligence available on the Mawt forces. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well.

✔️ Suicide Bombers

✔️ IEDs & Mines

✔️ Motorized Infantry

✔️ Small Arms and RPGs

✔️ Boats

✔️ Statics (AP, AT, and AA)

✔️ Snipers

✔️ Mortars

❌ Armored Vehicles

❌ Mechanized Vehicles

❌ Air vehicles

Operation Result: Victory

Nasser has been eliminated and the Mawt Nation is in shambles. Do not expect them on the map any longer.

On a side note, the President is currently reviewing our progress. He found our constant violation of human rights appaling and refuses to house us at Fort Boko. We will need to relocate closer to the UN forces as they are the only ones to use our powers.

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