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Operation Name: Border Patrol

Situation: Pighead Jenkins, affectionally called for his pig-like face but pig-like cleverness, has received reports of refugees crossing the borders near the Mawt Nation. One of these refugee groups are a decoy meant to sneak in a terrorist cell. Pighead has been watching those borders for months now. However, in light of the recent betrayal by traitors in the Namaquan army, he is less inclined to trust the border guards. This is where S.E.S.O. comes in. You will be tasked with making sure no suspicious characters pass through the borders of the island, doing this all from kilometers away in the Gerenuk Desert.

Mission: Stop any terrorist cells from entering Namaqua.


  1. Drive to Pighead's house
  2. Set up spotting positions around the border.
  3. Hold fire until you find a suspicious character.
  4. If a character is confirmed to be hostile, open fire.
  5. If they overwhelm the border, retreat to Pighead's Other House and repeat phases 2-4.

Enemy Intelligence: Below is the list of intelligence available on the Mawt forces. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well.

✔️ Suicide Bombers

✔️ IEDs & Mines

✔️ Motorized Infantry

✔️ Small Arms and RPGs

✔️ Ships and Boats

✔️ Snipers

✔️ Mortars

❌ Armored Vehicles

❌ Mechanized Vehicles

❌ Air vehicles

Operation Result: Canceled

Due to poor planning on my part, the operation did not turn out as interesting. Instead, we're gonna do Antistasi

Execution Image Result Image