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Operation Name: Rainbow Road

Situation: President Omuroi Hon has requested our services for a special anti-Mawti operation. He believes this final attack on the Mawt Nation will be able to eliminate the Mawti threat once and for all, allowing the rest of the Namaqua forces onto the BLA. Most of the trouble emerges to first meeting Hon. For the sake of subtly, he requires S.E.S.O. to approach by land. Reports indicate that he is being hunted by traitors within his own ranks. Due to this, he requires us to meet and transport him to a secure location, all incognito.

Mission: Meet and transport the President to a secure location, all in incognito.


  1. Transport the King back to his destroyed villa to act as intelligence during this operation.
  2. Meet the President in the Forteze Mansion.
  3. Transport the President back to his Palace for more instruction.

Enemy Intelligence:

This operation is a bit misleading. You won't be following the execution steps exactly and be introduced to the new third faction, which I will keep secret for now. What to expect and not expect with this new faction is listed below.

✔️ Traitorous Namaquan Soldiers

✔️ Well-trained ex-Namaquan Special Forces

✔️ Ambushes

✔️ Snipers

✔️ Mines, IEDs, and Explosives

✔️ Artillery, both mortars and rockets

❌ Air vehicles

❌ Armored vehicles

❌ Motorized Infantry

❌ Suicide Bombers

Operation Result: Victory!

The President is saved. However, this has brought the entire Western island under traitor control.

Execution Image Result Image