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Operation Name: Gorgon

Situation: The BLA has recovered enough for a surprise offense. In a morning of March 5th, 2000, the BLA has crossed the border of the occupied zone and entered deeper into Taris island, the Western neighboring island to their home base. They intend to attack 4 key positions to secure a new foothold on the island. Observe the image below to understand the situation better.

Mission: Defend the key areas and repel the attack.


  1. Eliminate all vehicles during Phase 1 of the attack
  2. Fallback to Phase 2.
  3. Defend the town of Mochiwa in Phase 2
  4. Fallback to Phase 3 to lure the enemy
  5. Place explosives on the road and ambush any BLA forces
  6. Move to Phase 4
  7. Repel what is left of the BLA

Enemy Intelligence:

Below is the list of intelligence available on the BLA forces. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well.

✔️ Motorized Infantry

✔️ Armor

✔️ Snipers

✔️ Helicopters

❌ Mines & IEDs

❌ Suicide Bombers

Operation Result:

Pyrrhic Victory!

At the cost of many lives, we were able to stop the onslaught of BLA. Their borders do not go any farther than the river.

Execution Image Result Image