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Operation Name: The Heist

Situation: The time has come. We're getting off this stinkin' rock. With all the pieces set, we shall launch our final operation upon the Namaquan forces. By successfully kidnapping President Omuroi Hon, we could negotiate a deal between him and Western forces. Best case scenario: our deal results in the return of UN forces, a pushback of the BLA, and a return of our S.E.S.O. boys home. Worst case scenario: he dies, the chaos of the island will distract their air forces and let us escape. Expect this to be a lengthy but essential operation.

Mission: Kidnap the President and escape the island with him alive.


  1. Move the Rocket Artillery to the marker made on the map
  2. Fire upon the parliament. Avoid the death zone at all costs
  3. Destroy the rocket artillery
  4. Infiltrate the parliament
  5. Capture and neutralize the President
  6. Defend the parliament until the BLA and Mawt invasions stop
  7. Escape with the president in the Mi-8.
  8. OPTIONAL: If the Mi-8 is destroyed, deliver the President back to Ramon's plantation and escape via civilian helicopter

Enemy Intelligence: Below is the list of intelligence available on all forces on the field. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well.

✔️ Motorized Infantry (Cars)

✔️ Mechanized Infantry (APCs)

✔️ Suicide Bombers

✔️ Snipers

✔️ Armor

✔️ Helicopters

✔️ Artillery (Mortars, rockets, etc.)

❌ Mines & IEDs

Operation Result: Fucking Success!

The results of the entire campaign shall be revealed tomorrow at #isla-duala-political-climate

Execution Image Result Image