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Operation Name: Pig

Situation: The last piece of the puzzle is the Mawt Nation. If properly agitated, the Mawties could attack the heartland of the Namaquan Forces and get some of the forces off the parliament building. In order to agitate them, we will sabotage a top secret hostage exchange between the Mawties and the Namaquans. By engaging the Mawties from afar and leaving plenty of Namaquan evidence, we could hope to pull the Mawties into our battle.


  1. Acquire Namaquan evidence i.e. Namaquan uniforms, weapons, helmets, etc.
  2. Reach the Recon Points NW and/or SE without alerting the enemy
  3. Await the arrival of the hostages
  4. Open fire when the time is right. The key is to make it look like the exchange was sabotaged by Namaquan forces so engage the Mawties exclusively
  5. Drop the Namaquan evidence from step 1
  6. Escape the scene without being spotted

Enemy Intelligence:

Below is the list of intelligence available on the Namaquan forces and the Mawties. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with a question mark have a chance to appear on the battlefield if a large player population is achieved. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well.

✔️ Motorized Infantry (Cars)

✔️ Mechanized Infantry (APCs)

✔️ : Suicide Bombers

❌ Snipers

❌ Armor

❌ Helicopters

❌ Artillery (Mortars, rockets, etc.)

❌ Mines & IEDs

Execution Image Result Image