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Operation Name: Rain Check

Situation: In the previous operation, the Namaquan forces's rocket artillery were triangulated and spotted North of Ramon's Plantation. That was foolish on their part because we will be taking that rocket artillery for ourselves. Currently, the rocket artillery are in a convoy is enroute from the Swonto Piley Airport to Molatia International Airport. If we could catch the convoy before they get to the airport, we will have an easier time engaging them. In the event that the rocket artillery is destroyed or the convoy reaches the destination, we will have to engage the heavily fortified Molatia International Airport to acquire their rocket artillery. By acquiring this artillery, we could eliminate any threat of armor and artillery during our final Heist.


  1. Reach the convoy route
  2. Engage the convoy
  3. Hijack as many rocket artillery as possible
  4. Stash the artillery in one of the buildings marked on the map
  5. If the artillery is destroyed or reaches the Molatia airport, engage the airport and repeat 3 to 4

Enemy Intelligence:

Below is the list of intelligence available on the Namaquan forces. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with a question mark have a chance to appear on the battlefield if a large player population is achieved. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well.

✔️ Motorized Infantry (Cars)

✔️ Mechanized Infantry (APCs)

✔️ Snipers

✔️ Armor

❔ Helicopters

❌ Artillery (Mortars, rockets, etc.)

❌ Mines & IEDs

❌ Suicide Bombers

Operation Result: Success!

One rocket artillery vehicle has been acquired. This shall be essential to eliminate any statics and mortars from afar.

Execution Image Result Image