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Operation Name: Waterloo

Situation: In the ambush of FOB Mopane, we have learned that along with our equipment, much of our men have been kidnapped as well. Recently, we have found out about the whereabouts of Private Winter . He's been last found in the city of Kirabo which intel suggests his most likely current location. We need to infiltrate the fortified town of Kirabo and rescue Private Winter .


  1. Acquire flashlights for your weapons
  2. Board the transport boats and scooters
  3. Move through the narrow river between the Mawt Nation and the Namaquan Mainland
  4. Reach the Port of Kirabo
  5. Establish recon on the town from any of the recommended recon points
  6. Infiltrate the target location and rescue Private @King Of The Nut#1153
  7. Escape Kirabo before reinforcements arrive or defend against the reinforcements

Enemy Intelligence:

Below is the list of intelligence available on the Namaquan and Mawt forces. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with a question mark have a chance to appear on the battlefield if a large player population is achieved. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well.

✔️ Motorized Infantry (Cars)

✔️ Mechanized Infantry (APCs)

✔️ Snipers

✔️ Artillery (Mortars, rockets, etc.)

❔ Armor

❔ Helicopters

❔ Mines & IEDs

❔ Suicide Bombers

Operation Result: Success!

The entire S.E.S.O. team including Winter were lost in BLA territory. Come back next time to see how they escape the BLA.

Execution Image Result Image