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Operation Name: Watergate

Situation: Our old base of Fort Boko is under attack by the BLA. Usually, this would be of no issue to us since all of equipment has already been moved. However, our old operation files, with all our goods and bads, are still in it. Losing it would be atrocious to our logistics and reputation. To solve this, we will disguise ourselves as common bandits to infiltrate the base during its invasion by the BLA and delete all of our files. Also, we will bug a computer to keep an eye on their network systems from the inside. Finally, we will sabotage an air conditioning unit to destroy the office building in the complex once it's inevitably taken over by the BLA.


  1. Use the ACE Arsenal to dress like a bandit with AKs

NOTE: Make sure to avoid ALL Namaquan Forces as they shall see you as bandits and open fire on you. 2. Approach the compound from either LZ 1 or LZ 2 3. Infiltrate Fort Boko 4. Carry out the three tasks in any order 5. Lose the authorities in Bolobongo 6. Make it back to Fort Mopane

Enemy Intelligence:

Below is the list of intelligence available on the Namaquan and BLA forces. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well.

✔️ Motorized Infantry

✔️ Mechanized Infantry

✔️ Armor

✔️ Snipers

✔️ Helicopters

❌ Mines & IEDs

❌ Mortars

❌ Suicide Bombers

Operation Result: Success!

Fort Boko has been cleared of all S.E.S.O. files. However, upon our return to FOB Mopane, the Namaquan Forces opened destroyed the compound as if the operation was a trap. All of our equipment was gone, including vehicles, weapons, and even UAV. Whether only the Namaquans knew or the BLA did as well is unknown. In the chaos of the fire, S.E.S.O. has been relocated to Ramon's Plantation. Ramon is an old contact of S.E.S.O. who is not known to be the most incorruptible person out there. However, he is the last refuge for S.E.S.O. on the island. His plantation shall serve as the operating base for future operations.

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