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Operation Name: Windbreaker

Situation: The UNESCO recognized ruins of Lukasa have come under danger by radical insurgents in the area. It seems the ideals of the Mawt Nation spread beyond their borders. Insurgents under the flags of the Mawties have plans to attack the ruined castle town of Lukasa. After enough raids, the town was wittled down to a few men and hundreds of wounded. The last few civilians are stuck inside right before a full-on invasion by the Mawties. S.E.S.O. has been called to defend the remaining people in Lukasa. MEDEVAC can not arrive until the invasion dissipates and the airspace clears to tolerable amounts. For this reason, S.E.S.O. is advised against the use of helicopter transports until the MEDEVAC feels safe enough to arrive.

Mission: Defend the remaining civilians until UN MEDEVAC arrives


  1. Enter the ruins of Lukasa
  2. Secure the perimeter using a vast array of statics and explosives
  3. Defend the civilians from total destruction
  4. Once UN MEDEVAC rescues the civilians, reach the port in the south and escape by boat

Enemy Intelligence:

Below is the list of intelligence available on the Mawt forces. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well.

✔️ Suicide Bombers

✔️ IEDs & Mines

✔️ Motorized Infantry

✔️ Small Arms and RPGs

✔️ Snipers

✔️ Mortars

❌ Armored Vehicles

❌ Mechanized Vehicles

❌ Air vehicles

Operation Result: Success!

9 out of 14 civilians have been saved! First, 4 have been saved from Lukasa and 5 from the Mawt Outpost.

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