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Operation Name: Trojan Camel

Situation: In the previous operation, this beast of a tank and its thugs were able to destroy all the remains of the UN plane. However, Spaceman was able to place an IR tracker on the tank just in time, allowing us to track it using our GPS technology. We hope that by tracking this tank, we could find out where the Shadowmen have acquired it and where their base could be. A few weeks have passed since then and we have gathered enough intel to know the tank's routes. They use an old harbor on the west side of the island to bring in new vehicles. It will be up to S.E.S.O. to exploit this knowledge and destroy their harbor's only crane to deter anymore access to new armored vehicles for the BLA.

Mission: Eliminate the enemy's access to armored vehicles


  1. Silently eliminate the crew members of the T-34 tank
  2. Sneak into the T-34 (if there is not enough space, sneak into the back of the truck.)
  3. Pass the checkpoint and follow the truck in front to avoid the mines
  4. Reach the Ruins of Kiera
  5. Infiltrate the ruins from within and reach the harbor on the west side
  6. Use the T-34 (or the demo blocks in the supply box) to destroy the crane in the harbor

Enemy Intelligence:

Below is the list of intelligence available on the BLA forces. Items with a check are verified to appear on the battlefield. Items with an X are verified to never appear in the battlefield. Items not mentioned are implied to never appear on the battlefield as well.

✔️ Motorized Infantry

✔️ Snipers

✔️ Traitorous Namaquan Soldiers

✔️ Armored Vehicles

✔️ AT Mines

❌ Air Vehicles

❌ IEDs

❌ Suicide Bombers

Operation Result: Success!

The crane was eliminated! The BLA are now heavily hindered from acquiring new vehicles. But there are many more harbours to come.

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