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Operation Name: Black Tiger

Situation: This operation will be in preparation for the real Stealth operation next Friday. This will better prepare us for that future within a less pressuring environment. It will be nearby Camp Verde on May 24th, 2012, at 00:00. There will be two main sites to neutralize: the recon camp and the Command Post. Both of them will be filled with dummies in order to practice stealthy techniques.

Mission: These sites will act in accordance with their real-life counterparts. The Command Post contains military documents that we wish to retrieve, but doing so explicitly will alert the FOB nearby, bringing reinforcements along with a complete hold-out of the post by the fearless Thai. To solve this, specific alarm posts have to be destroyed at the same time, eliminating any chance of alarm. However, the nearby recon camp can alert as well, so they have to be dealt with quietly BEFORE the post.

Execution: The team will first have to scout and encircle the recon camp. Equipped with silencers, each member will fire in a single volley, eliminating every camp member at the same time. This will allow you to move towards the command post. Dotted around that post are 4 Alarm poles, which should be destroyed at the same time. The best way to do this is by explosive. Plant 4 explosives without alerting the post, then blow the poles to bits, and retrieve the military documents inside.

Command & Signal: HQ will be ready to remind you of the proper techniques, objectives, and abilities at hand for the execution. Since this is training, expect several retries and hand-holding. In the real deal, you will only have one chance.

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