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Campaign Name: Forerunner

Operation Number: 1 'Firestarter'


As the Soviet Union’s fate came to be written on the wall, the country began to open up to the western world. Multiple ‘Special Economic Zones’ were founded in various areas of the country. The purpose of these zones to allow foreign investment, with the hope of eventually diversifying the Soviet Economy in an attempt to save the country. Ultimately the Soviet Union collapsed, but the zones remained. One, the GEZ, was particularly prosperous.

The United States, Russian Federation, and Georgian Government all seemed to agree that the GEZ was particularly important, for whatever reason. A joint troop stationing agreement was signed to safeguard the region from the destabilizing situation in the Caucasus.

10 Years ago, the GEZ was overcome by geological disturbances of increasing severity. It took a long time for the region to be completely abandoned, some never left.

However, around 6 months ago, the geological disturbances increased in severity and frequency. All three national governments involved began a rapid evacuation effort. In the chaos, rumor has it that something was left behind at a U.S. camp in the northwest of the GEZ.

Delta is to maintain complete confidentiality on the nature of the mission. All individuals encountered are to be considered hostile.

Mission: Recover the target samples


  1. Conduct drop into region.
  2. Link up with Green.
  3. Obtain transport from NATO Evacuation Center.
  4. Make it to Camp Spencer.
  5. Eliminate any hostiles.
  6. Recover the target samples.
  7. Exfil from region.


Time: 1996/6/21 0400

Weather: Clear

Fog: Light

Reports suggest light presence of Russian Spetsnaz, local Militia Groups, and other unidentified third party operators.

No one remaining in the GEZ is considered civilian.

All individuals encountered are to be treated as hostiles.

Equipment of hostiles vary, expect everything from armed locals to fully equipped Russian Forces. Enemy air support is not off the table.

An AN-2 has been provided for the drop.

Delta's Green Team was dropped into the GEZ yesterday to conduct recon.

A supply crate was dropped with Green, however it was blown off course and initially lost. The crate was later observed being recovered by a group of locals.

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