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Campaign Name: Epsilon

Operation Number: 4


BLUF: Destroy or reacquisition supply convoys Anton, Bertha, Caesar, and Dora.

Germany is without its wings! SESO has captured the remaining airfields of the island. Enemy air forces are without their planes, leaving ground combat as the ultimate decider of this campaign.

It has been a week of peace at MOB Bell. OPSCOM have marked the fronts, designating the lands beyond the colloquially called Black Forest as German-occupied territory. To expand our borders, individual SESO squads have been deployed in every direction of the front. Alpha holds the front on the Northwest, Charlie is scouting Weingut II for future operations, and Delta is reacquisitioning Radar Stations Würzburg. You, as part of Bravo, are assigned to conduct supply disruption missions.

Bell has targeted the Panzer Barracks as a future objective. Sleepy Raccoon have observed massive construction of fortifications on the western end of the Black Forest. Enemy supply convoys use the roads nearby to reinforce the Panzer Barracks. Before we can engage the barracks, SESO must disrupt these supply runs.

According to documents found on the Todt Airfield, the Panzer Barracks are expecting 4 heavily defended convoys to use the roads near the Black Forest. Their plan was to support the airfield in a siege of MOB Bell with immense amounts of armour. Since our capture of the airfield, their plan has clearly shifted onto the defensive.

Bell has designated the convoys as Anton, Bertha, Caesar, and Dora as their arrival will be in that order respectively. See the enemy TO/E for the described movements of these convoys. Bravo will destroy these supply convoys and retrieve any remaining supply.

In Todt Arifield, Bell has identified further classified German intel. The last convoy, Dora, is said to carry a special item designed for a “Project Hüttenhain”. No further intel is available for this alleged “Hüttenhain” truck.


  1. Destroy or reacquisition supply convoys Anton, Bertha, Caesar, and Dora
  2. Reacquisition supply trucks
  3. Secure the 'Hüttenhain' Truck


  1. Reach the Black Forest NOTE: Enemy infantry patrol the Black Forest at all times. It is not safe!
  2. Setup at the ideal TRP for ambush on Convoy Anton
  3. Destroy or reacquisition Convoy Anton
  4. Setup at the ideal TRP for ambush on Convoy Bertha
  5. Destroy or reacquisition Convoy Bertha
  6. Setup at the ideal TRP for ambush on Convoy Caesar
  7. Destroy or reacquisition Convoy Caesar
  8. Setup at the ideal TRP for ambush on Convoy Dora
  9. Destroy or reacquisition Convoy Dora
  10. Secure the 'Hüttenhain' Truck
  11. EVAC to MOB Bell


Time: 1945/02/18 0830

Weather: Clear

Fog: Foggy

Enemy TO/E:

Factions: Germans (Waffen SS)

Vehicles/Statics: Tanks, APCs, Trucks, Heavy Machinegun Statics, AT Gun Statics

Friendly TO/E:

Factions: SESO, Allies (SHAEF)

Vehicles/Statics: MHQ Matador, Jeeps, AA Statics

Indirect Support: x4 Artillery Strikes (8 Flak 36 shells each), x1 Supply Drop

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