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Campaign Name: Epsilon

Operation Number: 10


BLUF: Capture Bernhard Rust. Destroy AA Turrets surrounding Culebra 1.

Culebra 1, the last holdout of the Nazis. As the Allied forces back in Europe close in on Berlin, so do we close in on the mastermind Bernhard Rust. His bag of tricks has run out. We have SESO forces surrounding his stronghold. His elite SS troops are made up of mere recruits and reserves. OPSCOM assumes a high chance of success in this operation.

Culebra 1 is surrounded by his AA turrets. Being a highly urban environment, the Germans realize no vehicles will be able to enter the stronghold. The AO is a set of maritime ports and bunkers. The AA turrets are meant to deter our air forces and our infantry.

Since there is a HVT somewhere in the AO, OPSCOM has called off all indirect fire supports such as bombers and mortars. Bravo will have go on boots on the ground.

Once Bernhard Rust is captured, we will have finally earned our freedom. Bring him back to the FOB so we can conclude this contract.


  1. Destroy AA turrets at OBJ Amsterdam, Berlin, Chicago
  2. Find and secure HVT at OBJ Disney


  1. Reach Alpha Staging Area
  2. Secure OBJ Amsterdam, Berlin, and Chicago simulatenously with Alpha
  3. Destroy the Flak 30 AA turrets at OBJ Amsterdam, Berlin, Chicago
  4. Find and capture HVT Bernhard Rust in OBJ Disney, identifiable by his white lab coat
  5. EVAC to FOB Lion


Time: 1945/04/20 1830

Weather: Cloudy

Fog: Slightly Foggy

Enemy TO/E:

Factions: Germans (Waffen SS)

Vehicles/Statics: Trucks, Heavy Machinegun Statics, Flak 30 AA Statics

Friendly TO/E:

Factions: SESO, Allies (SHAEF)

Vehicles/Statics: GMC Truck Open, Open Jeep, Hooded Jeep

Indirect Support: x1 Supply Drop (1 Arsenal)

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